mike14 Rampage Sherpa Jun 22, 2006 20,970 14,923 Melbourne Yesterday at 8:48 PM #426 That line just keeps hustling Reactions: EdJovanovski
LokiDog Get pucks deep. Get pucks to the net. And, uh… Sep 13, 2018 12,892 26,433 Dallas Yesterday at 8:48 PM #427 Flashing some skill in the bottom six.
Jack Hanson Nachos, lemonheads, my dad's boat Oct 5, 2023 1,446 2,061 Yesterday at 8:48 PM #428 Yeah Bouy Carrick Goaall!!
RangerLifer Formerly known as Captain Lindy Apr 1, 2006 17,455 14,118 Virginia Yesterday at 8:48 PM #429 CARRICK!!
GAGLine HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Sep 17, 2007 24,993 23,000 Yesterday at 8:48 PM #430 4th line getting it done!
Machinehead Fox Mafia Consigliere Jan 21, 2011 152,696 137,559 NYC Yesterday at 8:48 PM #431 That's my president Reactions: TheDirtyH
Matt Rentfree Registered User Jan 13, 2012 8,936 9,304 Nashville, TN. Yesterday at 8:48 PM #432 Carrick is worth so much more than his cap hit. Reactions: noncents, Chalfdiggity3 and Chytilmania
will1066 If you score four, you better f'n win the game Oct 12, 2008 52,667 75,991 Yesterday at 8:48 PM #433 f*** yeah
Brother Mouzone Registered User May 23, 2014 3,793 8,229 Yesterday at 8:48 PM #434 Reactions: Machinehead
Chytilmania Registered User Dec 31, 2017 4,793 7,323 Yesterday at 8:48 PM #435 We don’t deserve Carrick. Reactions: noncents and TheDirtyH
GAGLine HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Sep 17, 2007 24,993 23,000 Yesterday at 8:48 PM #438 Was that Stepan in the crowd? Lol.
Shesterkybomb Registered User Dec 30, 2016 17,748 19,474 Yesterday at 8:48 PM #439 This team is playing a much more playoff style hockey, I love it Reactions: noncents
Bob Richards Mr. Mojo Risin' Feb 9, 2011 11,448 19,657 Jersey Yesterday at 8:48 PM #440 Probably need to double my meme'ing into Sam Carrick since Jimmy Vesey is gone Reactions: TheDirtyH
EdJovanovski #FreeRempe Apr 26, 2016 30,709 62,251 The Rempire State Yesterday at 8:48 PM #441 The Rempe Effect Reactions: Jack Hanson and TheDirtyH
Siddi Rangers Masochist Mar 8, 2013 9,023 6,868 Global Yesterday at 8:48 PM #442 BEST LINE IN HOCKEY! Reactions: EdJovanovski
Chalfdiggity3 Registered User Feb 4, 2010 6,357 4,957 NJ Yesterday at 8:49 PM #443 Remind me why we would trade carrick? Reactions: noncents
LeetchisGod This is a bad hockey team. May 21, 2009 20,775 13,514 Washington, DC Yesterday at 8:49 PM #444 Definitely got a break there. Reactions: ReleasO The KakkO
Lua Registered User Nov 10, 2010 2,339 2,491 Troy Yesterday at 8:49 PM #445 bl02 said: Sam freaking Carrick this guy has been unreal Click to expand... he's been a really pleasant addition to a team that has a general likability problem
bl02 said: Sam freaking Carrick this guy has been unreal Click to expand... he's been a really pleasant addition to a team that has a general likability problem
ReleasO The KakkO WhereO is Kakko has been found Mar 24, 2022 2,109 2,088 Yesterday at 8:49 PM #446 Rempe deserves an assist Reactions: will1066
will1066 If you score four, you better f'n win the game Oct 12, 2008 52,667 75,991 Yesterday at 8:49 PM #447 Borg made that happen. Surveyed the land and took the puck into the zone aggressively when lanes opened up Reactions: FoxysExpensiveNYDigs
Borg made that happen. Surveyed the land and took the puck into the zone aggressively when lanes opened up
FoxysExpensiveNYDigs Boo Nieves Truther Feb 27, 2002 7,245 5,222 Colorado Yesterday at 8:49 PM #448 Yeah baby! Caps fans going to cry over that one on the mains Reactions: will1066 and ReleasO The KakkO
Shesterkybomb Registered User Dec 30, 2016 17,748 19,474 Yesterday at 8:49 PM #449 Best 4th line C we've had since Dom Moore Reactions: will1066, Atax and noncents
noncents Registered User Feb 25, 2022 3,212 3,941 Yesterday at 8:49 PM #450 bang! total pick on the zone entry but good shit there's the makeup call