Jets are likely to be pissed.
Jets 5
Orange Aid Flap Guys 2
Scoring first is the highly-evolved pterosaur-derived species representative, lightly killed, then shredded, pulverized, reconstituted, coated with processed carbohydrate, then roasted and heat-glued together with denatured cross-linked proteinacious remnants, simmering in saturated fat. That, washed down with a brownish-copper liquid derived from a post-yeast driven EtOH generating fermentation reaction, subsequently rëheated to kill prokaryotic life (just trying to make a living), then the nonsoluble bits strained through 45 uM celluloid filtration units, spun down in titanic stainless 400 litre buckets with massive centrifuges at 3500 xg, the ultrafiltrate then complex-sugared, then impregnated with carbon dioxide gas, and constrained to ~ 1.5 atm pressure in cute microplastic coated aluminum cans, pretending to somehow be derived from an exclusive Barvarian vat by skilled technicians who meticulously and lovingly tend their craft.