FoxysExpensiveNYDigs Boo Nieves Truther Feb 27, 2002 7,197 5,132 Colorado Yesterday at 7:31 PM #126 Stinker from Igor. Reactions: will1066
Ail Based and Rangerspilled. Nov 13, 2009 29,610 6,193 Pennsyltucky Yesterday at 7:31 PM #127 Lmaooooo SOMEONE GET A WELLNESS CHECK ON @SnowblindNYR Reactions: periferal, will1066, Cmox and 3 others
Matt Rentfree Registered User Jan 13, 2012 8,904 9,254 Nashville, TN. Yesterday at 7:31 PM #128 Can Quick start stretching? Reactions: RangerLifer
Mike in Houston Registered User Apr 20, 2015 2,432 4,335 Houston, TX Yesterday at 7:31 PM #130 Really shitty goal to give up Igor.
Whoot Whoot Biased Rangers Fan Feb 28, 2007 6,210 4,210 Los Angeles Yesterday at 7:31 PM #131 Terrible goal
DuneGoon84 Registered User Jun 21, 2019 2,666 2,968 Yesterday at 7:31 PM #132 bouds said: Igor is so bad. Click to expand... 11.5 mil rofl
Jack Hanson Nachos, lemonheads, my dad's boat Oct 5, 2023 1,436 2,037 Yesterday at 7:31 PM #133 Reactions: gabevh3, RangerLifer and will1066
RangerLifer Formerly known as Captain Lindy Apr 1, 2006 17,412 14,079 Virginia Yesterday at 7:31 PM #134 Lee didn't celebrate taht. I think he knows it was off. Reactions: will1066
RangersFan1994 Registered User Aug 20, 2019 19,319 15,967 Yesterday at 7:32 PM #135 finally a call goes the Rangers way Reactions: gabevh3 and will1066
Megustaelhockey "I like hockey" in Spanish Apr 29, 2011 23,525 17,683 Yesterday at 7:32 PM #136 Saved by the worst rule in the sport. Reactions: TheGortonConspiracy, tlk and mike14
BlueShirtGal True Blue Kitty May 19, 2014 1,916 2,203 Federal Way, WA Yesterday at 7:32 PM #137 Fingers crossed.
tlk hARry kane comeS homE Jan 7, 2020 5,182 4,586 Yekaterinburg Yesterday at 7:32 PM #138 Shesty's bacon saved Reactions: gabevh3, RangerLifer and will1066
DuneGoon84 Registered User Jun 21, 2019 2,666 2,968 Yesterday at 7:32 PM #139 joe that was ez to tell, what you smoking Reactions: RangerLifer
Psycho for Perreault Registered User Jul 1, 2019 3,037 6,634 Yesterday at 7:32 PM #140 Igor let that goal in to make the Islanders fans hurt more. He's worth every penny of this contract. Reactions: RangerLifer, Flan the incredible, Jack Hanson and 1 other person
NCRanger Bettman's Enemy Feb 4, 2007 5,542 2,310 Charlotte, NC Yesterday at 7:32 PM #141 Shitsterkin gets bailed out. Reactions: RangerLifer
TheGortonConspiracy Wow its a nice GM May 2, 2017 2,929 4,188 NYC Yesterday at 7:32 PM #142 lmao what a terrible rule
Ail Based and Rangerspilled. Nov 13, 2009 29,610 6,193 Pennsyltucky Yesterday at 7:32 PM #143 11 million dollar man getting a bailout. Reactions: RangerLifer and KevinFinnerty
DialUp Big Bauds Sponsor Feb 15, 2012 10,295 11,687 NYC Yesterday at 7:32 PM #144 Bettman wants the Rangers in the playoffs for REVENUE and CASH. Confirmed e5 Reactions: gabevh3, periferal and mike14
GAGLine HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Sep 17, 2007 24,967 22,936 Yesterday at 7:32 PM #145 Yay blue line! About time we got one in our favor.
BlueShirtGal True Blue Kitty May 19, 2014 1,916 2,203 Federal Way, WA Yesterday at 7:32 PM #146 OMG one actually went in our favor!
RangersFan1994 Registered User Aug 20, 2019 19,319 15,967 Yesterday at 7:32 PM #147 Megustaelhockey said: Saved by the worst rule in the sport. Click to expand... So you think offside goals should count?
Megustaelhockey said: Saved by the worst rule in the sport. Click to expand... So you think offside goals should count?
Atax Registered User Apr 7, 2011 6,304 8,021 Yesterday at 7:33 PM #148 Who cares. It was just an awful goal to give up. Got lucked out. Reactions: periferal and Boris Zubov
CasusBelli HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Jul 6, 2017 14,800 14,116 Yesterday at 7:33 PM #149 Igor can say five Hail Marys and buy the video coaches 10 bloody Mary’s. Reactions: Siddi and Atax
Boris Zubov No relation to Sergei, Joe May 6, 2016 21,542 31,378 Back on the east coast Yesterday at 7:33 PM #150 I'm glad it went our way, but that rule is absurd. Didn't impact the goal at all. So dumb Reactions: RangerLifer, duhmetreE, Bacon Artemi Bravo and 2 others