Johnny HFBOARDS Trade you! Dec 10, 2011 14,113 7,726 Earth Saturday at 9:29 PM #376 Reactions: B33R LEAGUE, SUX2BU, Eyeseeing and 2 others
robertocarlos Registered User Sep 19, 2014 27,074 14,836 Saturday at 9:30 PM #377 Jets can't lose. Even when they play bad they have one player who steps up. Usually JoMo or Chef. Ref hates OT. Reactions: Buffdog
Jets can't lose. Even when they play bad they have one player who steps up. Usually JoMo or Chef. Ref hates OT.
SUX2BU Average user of an average team Feb 6, 2018 19,124 43,083 Canada Saturday at 9:31 PM #378 The no name goalie puts a little mustard on that hot dog Reactions: DharmaBum
DharmaBum Just like a young Dave Ellett Nov 14, 2010 11,500 23,172 Winnipeg Saturday at 9:31 PM #379 Oh, Fedotov Reactions: Bender Duster
Johnny HFBOARDS Trade you! Dec 10, 2011 14,113 7,726 Earth Saturday at 9:32 PM #380 Dan Bouchard will the extra action... Reactions: macmaroon
Bender Duster it was like that when I got here Sep 16, 2024 733 2,344 Winnipeg Saturday at 9:32 PM #381 Time for PP2
bustamente Fraud Supporter Jun 29, 2015 48,011 98,067 Fraud City MB Saturday at 9:32 PM #382 PP not getting that one really good look
Eyeseeing 12 please Sponsor Feb 24, 2015 24,863 43,589 Saturday at 9:33 PM #383 Pionk pizza hotline Reactions: bustamente and macmaroon
bustamente Fraud Supporter Jun 29, 2015 48,011 98,067 Fraud City MB Saturday at 9:33 PM #384 Blown oppotunity.
White Out 902 Tier 2 Fan Aug 17, 2017 4,284 8,016 Cape Breton Island Saturday at 9:33 PM #385 Hardly surprising we haven't scored a power play goal in almost six games now. What an absolute horse shit power play Reactions: Teppo Numenor
Hardly surprising we haven't scored a power play goal in almost six games now. What an absolute horse shit power play
bustamente Fraud Supporter Jun 29, 2015 48,011 98,067 Fraud City MB Saturday at 9:34 PM #386 Von Rashke draws another one
Do or Die Registered User Jun 28, 2011 8,361 12,097 Saturday at 9:34 PM #388 PP Zzzzzzzzz.. Reactions: Eyeseeing
10Ducky10 HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Jul 5, 2015 15,204 14,302 Saturday at 9:34 PM #389 Atta boy Risto!
bustamente Fraud Supporter Jun 29, 2015 48,011 98,067 Fraud City MB Saturday at 9:34 PM #391 Can't ask for anything more gotta score here
Johnny HFBOARDS Trade you! Dec 10, 2011 14,113 7,726 Earth Saturday at 9:34 PM #392 meh PP sucks... we lose in OT
DharmaBum Just like a young Dave Ellett Nov 14, 2010 11,500 23,172 Winnipeg Saturday at 9:35 PM #393 Don't f**k this up, dummies! Reactions: macmaroon and Eyeseeing
Dirtyclapper Registered User Sep 3, 2021 633 940 North Van Saturday at 9:35 PM #394 Plz score this time
BobTheSolarsystem Registered User Oct 4, 2020 12,037 19,524 Saturday at 9:35 PM #395 Refs thought about and relized scheif had a point? You know maybe we are frickin blind... huh Reactions: robertocarlos, macmaroon and Bender Duster
Teppo Numenor Registered User Mar 14, 2016 509 1,078 Saturday at 9:35 PM #396 That goalie is just too darn big Reactions: Eyeseeing
White Out 902 Tier 2 Fan Aug 17, 2017 4,284 8,016 Cape Breton Island Saturday at 9:36 PM #397 This team is not the 80s lawyers they need to just shoot the damn Puck more. My little girl just told me to calm down pretty funny stuff
This team is not the 80s lawyers they need to just shoot the damn Puck more. My little girl just told me to calm down pretty funny stuff
Jet I stan for Stan Jul 20, 2004 35,544 39,839 Florida Saturday at 9:36 PM #398 Powerplay has looked good
macmaroon Winnipeg Jets fan since 1972 Sponsor Sep 3, 2011 11,667 44,662 Winnipeg Manitoba Saturday at 9:36 PM #399 DharmaBum said: Don't f**k this up, dummies! Click to expand... Reactions: Eyeseeing, DharmaBum and bustamente
bustamente Fraud Supporter Jun 29, 2015 48,011 98,067 Fraud City MB Saturday at 9:36 PM #400 2 kicks at the can 2 misses Reactions: Eyeseeing