2017 Pittsburgh again game 7 vs Ottawa, 0 goals from Crosby and Malkin, they win anyway on the back of stellar goaltending.
2017 Pittsburgh again game 7 vs Washington, they get a shut out from their goaltending to win the series. No goals from Crosby/Malkin.
Crosby/Malkin were shut in like 4 game 7s and Pittsburgh won all of them en route to their 3 Cups.
Goal. Tending. Matters.
This ain't the Pond Hockey Championships, you have to find ways to win even when your fancy players don't get on the board, that's what the SC playoffs are about.
If your whole schtick is "we're gonna McDraibaby our way to a CUP!" eventually you're going to run into a goalie on the other end that doesn't let that happen, and then do you have anything in the tank that lets you win another way or not?