I'm bored out of my gourd
So I took a hammer and nailed my foot to the floorboard of my Ford
So I took a hammer and nailed my foot to the floorboard of my Ford
Low expectations are the key to a happy life.Joe having an entire orgasm over Schneider and the 4th line lol
he's way past due to score.What's the over/under with Zib missing on his one-timers during this PP?
Switch wheeler n vesey that's allWheeler is seriously skating as bad as Reaves.. .that line would be so much better with someone else on it
Forced to watch on laptop because of the casting issueAny of you having issues casting off msg+?
Commercials play very clear but the game is jittery.
They don't care. They think they're saving the planet. You know, Climate Pledge Arena. The douchiest name for an arena in history.how does the entire arena staff not realize lights are not working?
I'm bored out of my gourd
So I took a hammer and nailed my foot to the floorboard of my Ford
Low expectations are the key to a happy life.
There you go.Lafreniere technically just did a thing that wasn't bad.
Nam myoho renge kyo.Low expectations are the key to a happy life.
I'm an actor...I always have casting issues...LOL...funny stuff....Forced to watch on laptop because of the casting issue