My intermission speech would be something like this: well boys, you can write one of two stories from here. Either this is going to be the game where the streak ends or it can be a turning point, a pivotal moment where the entire league realizes this is a different kind of Blue Jackets team. And when they tell the story of the rising of the Columbus Blue Jackets franchise, they'll talk about the streak and about how it almost ended in Nashville, but against all odds, YOU WOULDN'T LET IT!
This 5 minute chunk of time has been pretty decent. Not sure we can make up the deficit, but I'd like to see us fighting like this the rest of the way
This 5 minute chunk of time has been pretty decent. Not sure we can make up the deficit, but I'd like to see us fighting like this the rest of the way
It's unlikely we'll win this game, but when it's only half over, you don't surrender. You chip away and chip away.