it was accidental Kadri, idiot.
watch what? Xekaj will knock you into orbit
watch what? Xekaj will knock you into orbit
He knew what he was doing there.I want to think it’s old school payback but the slomow looks accidental to me (oor he really rools off him anyway)
Molson should send me 600$ and a stack of premium hotdog vouchers for my fan experience.
Kadri be like
He should be bought out and sent back to Finland. He is terribad.
Oh f*** off Kadri. How many times you delivered a hit like that?
Nah, the replay is pretty clear; Xhekaj pushed Kadri into Suz. There’s not much of a check on Kadri really.Suzuki is going to be talking to the NHL about that hit on Kadri.
well, f***