So with MSL as coach, we're seeing an embrace of talent, scoring, and "concepts" aka making the best play in the moment and not planning too much because hockey is pure chaos. But at the same time the players who have struggled this season are clearly struggling because without the structure of a defense-first system aka "protect the tie" or "Price will bail us out" these players are being exposed as not good enough to keep in our plans.
I think it's fantastic. Players like Edmunson aren't going to thrive here, but he would do fine on another team. Pitlick has a little bit of talent but not enough to dominate, evans misses the structure, etc Its pretty clear that we're transitioning from the old regime and the roster will still have pieces that don't fit for a few seasons. That's why I don't get upset about losses right now, and I love when we win. I want to see the team avoid the loser culture and just play the game. In the end, there's no way we'll be good enough to have a playoff berth, but at the same time they have to play like they're competitive. That kind of confidence is what makes great teams meet their potential. The complaining from posters is wasted energy IMO.
I'm looking forward to this one. Wright v Slaf will be interesting, and you have to think the guys are going to really have playing 60 mins in the front of their minds tonight. With 11 forwards, we're also going to get some cool combos, maybe slaf can get more minutes