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My superpowerYou answered your own question
He is the greatest Dallas Star of all time. That should be reason enough.
Fans (here at least) doesn't find to find it too intriguing.
My superpowerYou answered your own question
He is the greatest Dallas Star of all time. That should be reason enough.
My superpower
Fans (here at least) doesn't find to find it too intriguing.
Haven't been hanging around Dallas Stars too long (mostly interested in the Finnish players in the league, so I've seen quite a few games the last copule of years); whats the deal with Modano? He never striked me as the most humble man on earth...
in short, and sums it up.
Patrik Stefan open net statue would be cool too.Announce Sydor-crawling-to-bench statue
Vocal minorityMy superpower
Fans (here at least) doesn't find to find it too intriguing.