I watched Florida for the banner raising and because - against Boston and their own (Florida's) roster - knew it would be at least entertaining. I feel like I made out getting that game for free. I'd have paid to see it in retrospect. We genuinely don't hold a candle to them - and I know that doesn't mean much talking about the recent champions but truly - from the net out that team is representative of our 2017 team- they care. Every single shift they care.
I then watched Utah and the buzz. I was envious. I saw how Bedard is a unit - but the Utah hockey stuff is on fire right now. That team OVER delivered. I would put money they would beat this current (on paper, better) Penguins team 9 times out of 10 in a 7 game series. They - care.
This club? Looks like a bunch of absolutely dog shit. From the net out. Sid's line is an absolute disgrace to his talent. Geno and Tanger look their age and have zero help - they're relied on. And that's it. We brought nobody else in. That's the team. EK is not Brent Burns. He's a unit - but he doesn't - for whatever reason - bomb shots from up top. He facilitates. But who the sam F is he gonna facilitate to out there? Bunch of ECHL forwards.