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With the amount of hours I work, it isn't feasible to get a dog right now. So, last winter I thought, I like cats. They're entertaining. They're ridiculous. Maybe I'll get a cat. Then, I was at a customers house around that same time. I go downstairs. Few minutes later I hear, "GODDAMMIT!!" from upstairs. I casually asked if he was alright. He said, "Yep. Just stepped in cold cat puke on the carpet." Which instantly brought my brain back to that exact same thing happening when the ex and I had cats.That particular cat already threw up today, so he's good for the night. And I went out early and just got in from taking care of all the outdoor chores, so no playing in the woods after dark tonight.
It was then that I decided. I will remain cat free.
Also, I like not having boxes of shit in my house much more than I like having cats.