Why would Terry Sawchuk be depressed? He has it all right?
You'd think, though back then of course they werent making great $$$ and in a lot of cases were working 2 or 3 jobs on top of playing hockey. Alternative being stuck in a mine or whatever. No control over their lives, could be traded at anytime, and if injured that likelihood increasing exponentially so they'd play through injuries & Sawchuk in particular, Horror Story of injuries that he did play through beyond the cuts to his face, bruises. Collapsed lung, dislocated discs in his back, just on & on. His childhood as well marred by tragedies, 2 of his 3 brothers dying when he was a kid, one of Scarlet Fever when Terry was very young; the oldest, an aspiring Goalie at 17 (when Terry was 10 & who he idolized) from a Heart Attack. Playing Rugby at 12 or so he wrecked one of his arms up & didnt tell his parents about it, left untreated, causing problems for the rest of his life. When he arrived in Detroit Adams demanded he lose 40lbs and as Gordie Howe & others commented at the time, that weight loss seemed to change his personality, causing sleep loss (could only sleep 2hrs at a time) & so on, creating a situation where he then struggled with his weight throughout his career. Really a culmination of a lot of things, becoming surly, short tempered, introspective & ya, angry. Alcohol playing a big part which is itself a depressant & certainly when abused even more so, messing up the central nervous system. So really quite a few factors, early childhood traumas', injuries, sleep deprivation, Id imagine pain killers and not just the kind youd buy at a pharmacy, the booze etc. Untreated throughout his life. Death by misadventure. Happens.