damn and Kenny was generally one of the nicer GMs to players lol
honestly that comment is pretty mild, what if this dude had a run in with Mike Keenan or something
I just wanted to comment on this, since I've struggled with my own anxiety problems that really kept me from making a bigger impact on some of my teams.
Kenny did a huge favour to Slater, it sounds like. Which is why is I think he uses the term "beautiful moment". Kenny said something that made him put his entire life in perspective and Slater went "ding" and realized professional hockey wasn't for him.
Sometimes, you can be the absolute best at what you do. But you put professional limitations on it and all of a sudden that type of person just doesn't feel like themselves and their game goes to shit. Maybe that was Slater. I think there are a ton of busts or guys who get called bust a lot, just dying to tell their side of the story and what they've learnt.
It's strange. Life has too many variables, and these guys got opportunities that lead them to learn so much more about something we as fans pretend but know very little about. I used to think when I was a kid Simon Cowell was an insensitive prick, and he kind of was, but he also probably got a lot of people to temper their expectations and live in reality and saved a lot of lives as well.
When you chase a dream, it's so easy to get tunnel vision and miss all the lights.