You missed the one at the end of DecemberNov 11 and 12, game 1 Wolf (3-1 W), game 2 Vlad (1-3 L)
Nov 29 and 30, game 1 Wolf (5-2 L), game 2 Vlad 6-2 L)
Jan 7 and 8, game 1 Wolf (3-2 W), Vlad game 2 postponed
Jan 13 and 14 Game 1 Wolf (5-2 W, Vlad game 2 (2-1 L)
So yeah, all 4 this season
You missed the one at the end of December
So yeah, I'm still not so sure Wolf has gotten "easier games" overall, but they are absolutely putting him in the best situation in B2Bs, which is the right thing to do IMO as you need to put your kids in situations to succeed.
I'd also like to point out, Wolf faces more shots per game than Vladar and more than most goalies in the NHL. Among goalies with 10+ games, Wolf is 5th out of 62 goalies in shots faced per game and 2 of the 4 ahead of him have played exactly 10 gamesAnd he's played well, but no question the team is more likely to score less and stop the opposition offense as well making winning less likely too. So yeah, it is a form of protection and stat protection/padding. But it is what it is. It I'm sure affects both of their key stats.
Exactly my point from some of my latest views on this signing... 2 mil per season? Seriously? How many fights did he actually win as I have noticed him being on his arse 9/10.Getting skated into the ground honestly.
cmon special teams do something good
Rasmus due for a goal. Also Love me some Lombo but 4pts in 40 games is, uh, not ideal.
NHL, MLB, MLS.... how many of the major North American leagues does Calgary have? Also, the Blues PA guy has done that job since 1987, never missing a game....there isn't many jobs in St. Louis being an announcer during professional sports games, so they have to bring their best