Been Squatting "heavy-ish" for the first time since my lower back injury this spring. I'm essentially slowly working my way up to a top set on Legs day. Did 295lbs x 4 yesterday with a good rep or two in the tank. I felt like going higher but decided not to, since I want to keep it safe for the first few weeks.
Next week I'll be going for a safe 305 x 3. Will try to keep that progression going till I hit 315 pounds for a solid 4 or 5 reps. I don't think I'll ever rep a double-bodyweight squat naturally with my genetics (I'm 180-183 pounds right now depending on the day). But I definitely can hit it for a good rep when I fulfill my potential.
Honestly, with a 275 pounds bench and a 360 pounds squat, being between 180 and 190 pounds, I'll be a happy camper... Until I actually hit those numbers and get hungry for more.
On another note... Anybody tried or know someone who tried EMOMs on pullups/chinups? What kind of success/progression did you/those you know achieved doing it?