Pretty chauvinistic way to read the title of the thread: "Finland's status and reputation in the hockey world"... but I digress...
Even just keeping it to the men, is all we're looking for is a way to agree on where they stand in terms of international ranking for tournament purposes? Fine. #4. All day. Swedes won't agree, and I don't really either, but you know what, there's enough bronze in their history that we might as well say they could be knocking on #3. In the hockey world, though, here are the realities:
There are at least 4 other countries with leagues that supply more (and overall "better" - loosely identified through salary/contract "worth") players to the NHL.
There are at least 4 other countries with domestic leagues that pay their players more.
There are at least 3 other countries with higher domestic league attendance figures.
There are at least 3 other countries with arguably as good if not better success internationally (however you want to weigh gold vs silver vs bronze vs totals) - even "recently" (unless you apply diminishing weights toward the past like the IIHF, which I would agree is valid on some level, though the weights are arbitrary and not based on roster turnover, or anything of the like, at all).
But see, the problem is, if you want to put so much stock in the IIHF ranking, then you have to accept that Finland trails Sweden in this regard. So, even with the embarrassment of today (love seeing the US fail... sorry American bros), you have to convince everyone that "in the hockey world", Finland has to be "better" than at least two other countries between Canada, Russia, and the US (Czechs probably feeling left out, but meh) to cement themselves at #4...
Come on. That's not a "no-brainer" for everybody, and I'm surprised that Finns (like this crowi cat, lol) continue to feel so slighted every time this gets laid out in detail in a thread around here. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like there's a lot to consider unless you want to be really (almost uselessly) specific about what you're referring to.