That always dumbfounded me - even the most decorated NHL coaches are treated as a complete morons in these parts if their choices somehow don't match 100% with what armchair HC / GM combo geniuses come-up with.
I continuously chalk it up to PTSD. Most of these posters haven't seen a good coach since, what, AV? I guess? Torts, to an extent?
I mean, I find Lavi to be a better coach than both, but YMMV.
It's just so odd to see these guys treating Lavi like he's Gallant or Quinn. He's not a brainlet like those past clowns.
No, I don't take Lavi's dressing or not dressing him as evidence one way or another; he's not infallible. He is a good coach though, and he doesn't play Rempe in third periods because he's visibly a liability — and worse, a loose cannon who in his like 30 minutes of total play time over five games has somehow managed to take four minors. You can argue whether they're bad calls/he's being targeted, etc etc, but he's been rightfully identified as a goon/non-hockey-player in this league and is being treated as such.
all that said, just put in Chytil, he actually resembles an NHL hockey player
Who ever said he was "infallible?"
There's a LOT more that goes into lineup decisions than looking at the player's NHL 24 overall grade and inserting the top 12 overalls into the forward spots.
The irony is I don't even give a shit if he plays. I only give a shit that Lavi thinks he's doing the right thing for the team at any given time. If he wants to sit Rempe, by all means. If he wants to play him more? By all means.
I have more trust for Lavi than I've had for a coach since Tom Renney. And I certainly trust Lavi more than Renney.