Not to hijack this thread, but being protective of one's culture and language is not such a bad thing. Kotkov will be fine. The CBC article is needlessly sensational (IMO).
Conincidentally, I was just up in Chicoutimi this summer.
I had previously been very reluctant to travel to Quebec, however, over the last few years I've been there several times. I have found that while my French is terrible (and I try a bit at the start), there is almost always someone where I am that can speak English better than I can speak French.
Contrary to the common narrative, I found Quebecors to be very accommodating to English speaking folk (I think at least trying, however futile, to converse in French at the start is helpful). Compare that to what their experience would be in other parts of country. Cross the provincial border and head down to the GTA and just about no one would be able to help accommodate them in French.
Being in strongly French parts Quebec this summer (and Chicoutimi - beautiful!), I was really amazed at how much culture has been preserved over the years. There is an identity in Quebec that is lacking in anywhere else I have been to in Canada. I was left quite jealous of that when compared to the mishmash of nothing that is the GTA, where I live.
Anyway, some food for thought for other posters.
Oh, and personally I think the Professor is being absolutely ridiculous. Hockey is, for better or worse, a uni-lingual sport. And taking a stand using a 17 year old Russian kid that likely won't ever live in Quebec is just stupid.