Lol, I’m hoping this is a jokeToo small for the NHL, won't get drafted

Lol, I’m hoping this is a jokeToo small for the NHL, won't get drafted
Anecdotal evidenceNo offense , but this is a subject that i feel like i am qualified to discuss at length here. I believe you are being emotionally swayed by the numerous stories you hear on the news of athletic burnout or overbearing parents. I assure for every one of thsoe stories there are countless others of parent successfully fostering their children's athletic ability at a young age. Case in point, Wayne gretzky and Sidney Crosby. Look at what ages they seriously began developing their Hockey skills.
"work ethic" - he's ****ing 8. Abusive.
Father is very smart in developing him so young. He mentions the first window in develooping type 2 muscle fibers and studies show that the younger an athlete is the more a window exists to increase that ratio. A favorable type 2 fiber ratio is what leads to great athletes. Neural plasticity is the mechanism in which it is theorized that this ratio can be changed. Very cutting edge stuff.
Genetics still play a huuge role.
Also you need to be careful with how hard you train when you're young because growing too much muscle can interfer with regular growth (hormones blabla)
I used to have a kid that worked for me - way back when I was a retail manager. Fairly high end hockey player - 15 at the time I think - had practice/games five days a week and worked part time the other two. His dad would always drop him off. If he liked how his game/practice went, he’d walk him in, give him cash for lunch, a big winning grin, and a ‘good job yesterday pal’. If he didn’t, he’d peel up to the front of the store, scream at him to get the **** out, and yell obscenities as his poor kid walked in. By the time he quit at 17, he’d quit hockey entirely and he and his father were no longer on speaking terms. Turned out the kid was Dad’s retirement plan and he’d been forcing him into every power skating camp, nutrition camp, and dryland training session he could find for years on end and sending out hype videos to any GM of any professional league he could track down. Completely killed the kid’s love of the game. Doesn’t even play recreationally anymore.
Point is, don’t put this kind of bull**** on an 8 year old.
Hello next generation, how much damage has Donald Trump done?Hello 2028 draft junkies.
Signed: Me in 2018
7 points in 23 games in 10U Minor AA, the leading scorer on his team had 40 points in 25 games and the leading scorer in the league had 107 points in 33 games. It is worth noting that he is playing a year up.What are his stats like? It would be odd if he's the oldest kid in the league and was like twelfth in scoring... unless he's got the intangibles hf is always talking about.
7 points in 23 games in 10U Minor AA, the leading scorer on his team had 40 points in 25 games and the leading scorer in the league had 107 points in 33 games. It is worth noting that he is playing a year up.
no. its about training the right way with focus on neural inhibition. hypertrophy in hocey is a very hardthing to obtatin and maintain. ALso in regards to youths, the fear was training a young person and having them get an increase in testosteroine could fuse their growth plates. That myth has been laid to rest a while ago
Premier league of YOUTH HOCKEYI turned off he video after he said the GTHL was a premier hockey league.
Yes, obviously. GTHL is not a high end league.Premier league of YOUTH HOCKEY
Ending it obviously didn’t help