Everything COVID19 - PART 4

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Apr 27, 2010
hummm won't load image url?


If you want to embed an image, you need a URL that ends with an image file extension, like "abc.jpeg" or "abc.gif".

In your case, you were linking to a facebook URL, so you'd have to use the media tag, like the following, but you can just click the same button you would for a video and past in the full url, it will do the rest.


I would have fixed it for you, but the facebook link in your original post seems to have been taken down because it comes up as a dead link when I tried.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2009
Cases in the US started rapidly rising, again, around June 20th. It takes a couple of weeks for deaths to catch up. We'll see how things go, but deaths may very well be 1000+, and then 2000+, per day relatively soon.

On Tuesday they hit 902.

My guesstimate: they will be close to 6k death/day in about 3 weeks, it could go up to 8k per day.

Well I don't think this virus is what's going to kill us off. Left unchecked it would still only wipe out a small percentage of the population. Economic damage would be larger.

Its if/when something even worse comes along that we really have to worry.

Not that it matters, we're going to make this planet inhospitable for us eventually, and civilization will mostly crumble as a result. So lets just enjoy the ride while it lasts!

Economic: totally agree
Virus: not sure what you meant by a small %. Are you talking about 1% globally?
Your conclusion: yes, let's enjoy it.

Cause you know, I have 2 blood disorders (bone marrow cancers) so I follow this virus a bit more than others.

COVID-19 causes 'hyperactivity' in blood-clotting cells
"Changes in blood platelets triggered by COVID-19 could contribute to the onset of heart attacks, strokes, and other serious complications in some patients who have the disease, according to scientists. The researchers found that inflammatory proteins produced during infection significantly alter the function of platelets, making them 'hyperactive' and more prone to form dangerous and potentially deadly blood clots"

Coronavirus autopsies: Small vessel blood clotting found in patients, pathologist says - CNN
"In the early stages of the pandemic, bedside clinicians noticed a lot of blood clotting "in lines and various large vessels," she said.
"What we saw at autopsy was sort of an extension of that," she said. "The clotting was not only in the large vessels but also in the smaller vessels."

"We found them in the heart and the kidneys and the liver and other organs"

And this one you probably heard about it already Brain damage could be linked to Covid-19, scientists warn - CNN
"Experts at the University College London (UCL) were the latest to describe that Covid-19 could cause neurological complications including stroke, nerve damage, and potentially fatal brain inflammation -- even if the patients didn't show severe respiratory symptoms associated with the disease."


Apr 27, 2010
My guesstimate: they will be close to 6k death/day in about 3 weeks, it could go up to 8k per day.

My guess is it's the younger less vulnerable crowd going to beaches and bars that are currently driving the surging number of cases (do they release data on that?) so the mortality rate will likely be lower unless/until we start seeing mass outbreaks in the old age homes and other vulnerable demographics.


Registered User
Oct 16, 2006
There are multiple vaccines worldwide that have been approved for clinical trials. There will be a vaccine, its just a question of when.
I hope so, but I have read some not so optimistic information on the process and the timeline. If we do get one, I will be walking in to it expecting that it will have been rushed and there may be alternative consequences.

At the rate the US is moving, it may be too late regardless. We see US license plates circulating our small city regularly even though the border is supposedly closed. 2 Florida plates were parked outside Earls restaurant just last night.


Registered User
May 23, 2011
My guess is it's the younger less vulnerable crowd going to beaches and bars that are currently driving the surging number of cases (do they release data on that?) so the mortality rate will likely be lower unless/until we start seeing mass outbreaks in the old age homes and other vulnerable demographics.

Saw a thread on this from an EPI today. Said that this current surge started young but is skewing older now in some states. Deaths lag by like 4 weeks (on the fast response side). It's gonna get real bad again. Even with a lower death rate. I'm getting more and more worried about the long term impacts they keep finding even for non hospitalized people...

Mingus Dew

Microphone Assassin
Oct 7, 2013
I moved to Florida two days ago. For a place this ravished by the virus people sure seem to be calm about it all lol. Many still aren’t wearing masks.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2017
So when is phase 3 announcement coming? Next week?

Given the current orders expire on the 22nd, there will definitely be an announcement next week. Typically the province has done them on Mondays, so we might know then. If they don't do an announcement on Monday, then expect another extension of Phase II, likely to Aug 3rd (another 10 days or so).

Pierre from Orleans

Registered User
May 9, 2007
The US is one of the few counties in the world ( also Brazil, and the UK to a certain extent) where the leadership has politicized this crisis. Th media is reacting to that situation.
You sure it's not the other way around where certain media outlets are reporting with their political bias? I mean the US election is just around the corner.

It's also not unheard of and actually common for the media to keep pounding home a certain agenda to brainwash casual viewers...that screams proactive rather than reactive if you ask me.
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Registered User
Sep 12, 2005
Per capita Canada pollutes a crap ton.

Yes we do. But on a global basis we have 38 million people in a world where there are 7 billion people which is about one half of a percent of the world's population.

If you removed all Canadians from the planet and eliminated all economic activity in Canada, all of it, ìt wouldn't result in anything more than a rounding error in terms of global pollution
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