Mrs. Fields is making sure we continue making our way uphill from here!
Look to the cookie, Devils. Look to the cookie.
Continue to shock the world. Us and Mrs. Fields.


Is your new password in anyway Ms.Fields or cookie related?So glad to be back. I had changed my password recently. I was getting the password reset email hours after I requested it, so it would be expired.
Let's go Devils!
Jesper Bratt, better than Sidney Crosby confirmed
4C Nico getting some nice matchups would be niceBig game. Hopefully Glass can carry them.
I was thinking of going to the Red Bulls game until I realized that the Devils were playing at the same time.Have to watch this one on DVR delay since of course both games are on at about the same time and I'll be at the Red Bulls home game.
Have to get 2 points here. No excuses.
I was thinking of going to the Red Bulls game until I realized that the Devils were playing at the same time.
I was surprised to learn that by “extra bodies” he meant those pod people Dr. Blackwood had been hatching in thr shed behind the arena as part of his medical research.Haula’s out but “not solely based on performance, given they have extra bodies and want everyone involved.”