The opposite of what he says.He was about to give up too much to save his job and he was dealing with business men who now knew Luongo had a negative value.The question is how many picks will Gillis have to pay to unload Luongo now that there is no market.After the Kessel trade the board had seen enough and was also tired of his Im the center of the universe apporach
.I wonder if Burke will still attend stupid parades and draw attention to himself and his own causes,now that no one cares.
I said from the get go the Kessel trade sucked,take heed Mr Nonnis,it cost him his job.Let me spell it out for you,if you overpay for Luongo,you will be toast.Mr Gillis has the problem,not you.
Kurvers for Nidermayer,Courtnall for Kordic,Rask for Raysoft,Clark for Luongo,Kessel for way too much......