But the injury has almost become a moot point. Some think he still has an injury which is causing the poor play, some think he doesn't, some think his poor play is a carry over from his varied training that was caused by his injury, some don't. Some point to his Edge speed numbers as evidence of an injury, some point out that these numbers just show he is performing poorly and that he was slow during his last slump, and some point to his Edge shot numbers suggesting he has another injury, but some point out that he's still hitting similar highs and that the lack of number of shots is more a result of his poor play. Some think he is competing, and some don't, some point out that his own GM has suggested that he isn't competing.
You can go on and on and on, and we have!
But again, it may all be a moot point, because is there really a reality where it is acceptable for an 11.6 million dollar player to score 58 points over the last calendar year? Like, even with an injury or two, I'd still expect a better performance. If you have an injury that is causing that type of decline in performance then why are you even playing? And sure, Pettersson hasn't played with the best linemates, or always played with the best defensemen, but again, does it even matter? Does it justify an 11.6 million dollar to play at a 62 point pace for a calendar year?
I agree with your last paragraph even though we disagree on so much else…
It’s not good enough. I just enjoy the why part of the debate, cause it is a debate.
I do think earlier it was him not being able to train fully in the offseason, then from this having some confidence issues. It’s clear he was getting better as the season was progressing. Then I think two things happened.
Miller came back, and I really think this part isn’t just a Pettersson think but a team think as the vibes have just been off since. The. He hurt himself again, and I do think his confidence is now also shattered.