Podcast (Audio) Edmonton Sports Radio - Part 7

The best Edmonton sports radio show/podcast?

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So I've tended to listen more to the EST stuff.

I like Dusty's show in the morning and listen to it "live" on my way to work. I do like the looser, less serious approach at least in the mornings. Today's show without Nielson being there however was kind of a mess.

If I happen to be out-and-about over the lunch hour I may bring up the Hangout. I like the general format - just some guys hanging out, talking about whatever. Today it was Dean Millard, and they wound up doing a deep dive on changes to the sports media landscape - interesting stuff. But it very much depends on the guests involved since you're stuck listening to them for an hour or two.

On the drive home I'll sometimes tune in to Gregor's show in the pm. He's doing the same show he's always done. Nothing wrong with it, but even before 1260 closed I'd usually listen to a non-sports podcast at this time.

Based on the comments here I will give the GYB podcast a listen to. Only thing for me though is while I'm interested in Oilers news, I am also interested in non-Oilers stuff.

What I also fit into my listening routine is Hustler's Winnipeg Sports Talk, as a former Winnipeg guy. I think they do a pretty good job at covering that scene - but obviously that's beyond the scope of this survey.
Never looked at his twitter feed. Is he a snowflake on there?
Go poke him a bit on there and find out. The guys a complete wiener. I had him competely wound up a few years back when we were going back and forth. When i get on the sauce, i normally like to go back and bug him for shits and giggles
I don't think any NHL team let alone one in any knowledgeable Canadian market should settle for broadcast analysts from anyone who hasn't played pro hockey. Have to articulate what's happen on ice and why and place listeners within the mindset of team and players.

You know I rather completely disagree.

Playing hockey, and broadcasting, are two completely different skill sets. There have just been so many former players who are absolutely wooden and boring if you put them behind a mike. There's also a players code, so they'll never tell you the real dirt from behind the scenes.

Now obviously some former players can make the transition. Tony Romo and Troy Aiken. How about Bob Uecker in baseball. Chris Walby or Matt Dunigan in the CFL.

And, I think though it's taken a long time, Strudwick has finally got it figured out behind the mike.

But there are also lots of really good broadcasters who know hockey themselves.
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Sucks to hear about the EST takes.

I'm usually a semi-regular listener but I tune out from hockey media during during losing streaks since the takes just irritate me even more.

Hope they get their shit together.
I personally don't see it changing. That was kind of his whole thing on AM radio too and he developed a following of people that like him.
Go poke him a bit on there and find out. The guys a complete wiener. I had him competely wound up a few years back when we were going back and forth. When i get on the sauce, i normally like to go back and bug him for shits and giggles
So trolling the guy he gets fed up? Shocking, just absolutely shocking.
You know I rather completely disagree.

Playing hockey, and broadcasting, are two completely different skill sets. There have just been so many former players who are absolutely wooden and boring if you put them behind a mike. There's also a players code, so they'll never tell you the real dirt from behind the scenes.

Now obviously some former players can make the transition. Tony Romo and Troy Aiken. How about Bob Uecker in baseball. Chris Walby or Matt Dunigan in the CFL.

And, I think though it's taken a long time, Strudwick has finally got it figured out behind the mike.

But there are also lots of really good broadcasters who know hockey themselves.

I agree with you as well. I find former players give some obviously good insight. But they also tend to approach it with kid gloves as well. To the point where I feel they aren't being honest or are purposely omitting stuff in order not to hurt the players feelings or something.

This start by the Oilers deserves some REAL hard scrutiny against this organization. I don't mind Nielson theories or whatever. Something bad happened. You don't have this kind of team and consistently put out SHIT efforts with no reason. We aren't going to be privy to what for a long time perhaps. We don't know if x player hates x player.. .or if x player is having issues. But what we can tell is poor effort. You can't hide that from the fans. This team has gone and f***ed up good and we don't know why. Expect conspiracy.

They can hide the reasons.. but they can't hide the results. And the results are worst place team in the league with consistent uninspired poor efforts. And I'm not believing any bullshit coming from the Oilers themselves. It's not just.. oh we lost our confidence... bull f***ing shit is what I say. All I can really do is hope to hell whatever has them in such an uninspired mood changes, or the season is lost.

All this being said I've really like the following podcasts.
1. Got Yer Back. Rishaug doesn't pull any punches.
2. OilStream - Gazzolla doesn't pull any punches as well. He calls out the shit we see.
3. Cult of hockey - I like the way they approach the breakdown of the games.

I don't listen to Oilers Now. It's just platitudes now really. Excuses now. There's not an honest word out of Bob's mouth and It's not something I blame him for. I can't imagine what it's like to have a window into such a dysfunctional organization and figure out a way to not shit all over it.
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Lots of people may not like him... but I like listening to Spec as a guest... he's got very good knowledge of the game and what's going on. I also think Kevin Karius has gotten better over time.
Lots of people may not like him... but I like listening to Spec as a guest... he's got very good knowledge of the game and what's going on. I also think Kevin Karius has gotten better over time.
I like Spec when he is answering specific questions and not trying to gain clicks with stupid headlines. I used to scowl when I heard he was the guest but now I don’t mind him and sometimes like him
His station is going full conspiracy theory over it. Before the press conference that worm Iwanyk led off with:

"This is the first time ever that Oiler fans are upset with McDavid because he's acting like Lebron James." As if this was established fact.

Then after the press conference:

"Oiler fans won't be happy with that!"

The followed up with nonsense Paul Coffey fables in the realm of "my cousin's friend is related to the sister of one of the Coyotes players that said this!":

"When Coffey worked for the Coyotes all he did is go in there and show them clips of the Oilers 80's powerplay and told them to do that"

Had to shut it off at that point. I understand that the standards of journalistic integrity are a bit lower on a sports talk station, but this was ridiculous and blatant narrative pushing.
They are just a bunch of fans trying attract an audience. Iwanyk is the whiniest of them all.
They are just a bunch of fans trying attract an audience. Iwanyk is the whiniest of them all.

Iwanyk is the worst example of an armchair QB that is completely incapable of acknowledging that he isn't right all the time and others might have an opinion that doesn't match his own. Aggressively pushes his opinion as if it were fact that everyone should agree with and anyone that doesn't is dumb.

Absolutely can't stand him and one of the reasons I don't really listen to EST because he's all over all of their shows.
Iwanyk is the worst example of an armchair QB that is completely incapable of acknowledging that he isn't right all the time and others might have an opinion that doesn't match his own. Aggressively pushes his opinion as if it were fact that everyone should agree with and anyone that doesn't is dumb.

Absolutely can't stand him and one of the reasons I don't really listen to EST because he's all over all of their shows.
If you listen closely, Gazolla can't either.
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So trolling the guy he gets fed up? Shocking, just absolutely shocking.
It doesn't take much more than a poke...and that's the point. Still a complete wiener that's never played higher than house league that has opinions bigger than mcdavid. He can f*** right off the greasy walrus
If you listen closely, Gazolla can't either.
Yeah...I am not impressed with Gazolla at all. I dont get why some people hype this guy.
Aside from being vanilla his take rarely shows any real insight.

Iwanyk is the worst example of an armchair QB that is completely incapable of acknowledging that he isn't right all the time and others might have an opinion that doesn't match his own. Aggressively pushes his opinion as if it were fact that everyone should agree with and anyone that doesn't is dumb.

Absolutely can't stand him and one of the reasons I don't really listen to EST because he's all over all of their shows.
I agree.
He comes of as very arrogant. I remember him talking over his co-hosts on 1260 like his opinion was all that mattered.
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You know I rather completely disagree.

Playing hockey, and broadcasting, are two completely different skill sets. There have just been so many former players who are absolutely wooden and boring if you put them behind a mike. There's also a players code, so they'll never tell you the real dirt from behind the scenes.

Now obviously some former players can make the transition. Tony Romo and Troy Aiken. How about Bob Uecker in baseball. Chris Walby or Matt Dunigan in the CFL.

And, I think though it's taken a long time, Strudwick has finally got it figured out behind the mike.

But there are also lots of really good broadcasters who know hockey themselves.
Your prerogative.

I recognize the different skill and play calling is an art and one that usually is underpinned with some formal training and usually a heap of experience. Analyst work though is greatly enhanced by direct knowledge and experience having played whatever sport involved. Per my comment, being able to break down game situations is the job but being able to communicate from experience the mindset of players, coaches, team with context of playing, practising, being in pro lockerrooms moves the information sharing well beyond fans can get. Your 'players code' is offset by analysts who bluster about things they haven't experienced firsthand and only second hand anecdotes like 'the players code in the 1980s'.

A list of NHL team broadcast peep reinforce that the vast majority of markets view the value of an ex-player to ride shotgun with their play callers. It's a credibility thing and surprise that a couple highly knowledgeable Canadian markets run contrary to U.S. markets where hockey is often a second tier after thought. List of current National Hockey League broadcasters - Wikipedia

Strudrick and Brown would kill as color commentators in this market. Really great that they have a long-form vehicle to communicate their lifetime experiences in the game, clearly and succinctly, and with big heaps of humour too. Nice to also see Luke Gadzik find his voice as an ex-pro with his excellent podcast and growing exposure on network tv. It all begins with the credibility of having played the game.

We can respectfully disagree, good sir.
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Iwanyk is the worst example of an armchair QB that is completely incapable of acknowledging that he isn't right all the time and others might have an opinion that doesn't match his own. Aggressively pushes his opinion as if it were fact that everyone should agree with and anyone that doesn't is dumb.

Absolutely can't stand him and one of the reasons I don't really listen to EST because he's all over all of their shows.
Iwanyk suuuuuucks. (Yaremchuk is even worse)
Uncle Struddy is hilarious.
Yeah...I am not impressed with Gazolla at all. I dont get why some people hype this guy.
Aside from being vanilla his take rarely shows any real insight.

I agree.
He comes of as very arrogant. I remember him talking over his co-hosts on 1260 like his opinion was all that mattered.
Tommy steal your girl?

Tommy steal your girl?

LOL...nah...didnt mean to come off as harsh.

I am just not that impressed with him leading a show.
Seems like a nice enough guy though.

I should mention to that the second part of my post was directed at Matt Iwanyk. Tommy doesnt come off as arrogant at all.
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Strudwick on the EST Hangout was entertaining today.

I do wonder how relations more generally the Sports 1440 and EST guys. It's not like the old days where TSN guys would never appear on Sportsnet products or vice verse, but they're still kind-of competing with each other also.

Like the Hangout guys keep mentioning they want to bring on Bob Stauffer on - but he's yet another competitor, so would he come?
Strudwick on the EST Hangout was entertaining today.

I do wonder how relations more generally the Sports 1440 and EST guys. It's not like the old days where TSN guys would never appear on Sportsnet products or vice verse, but they're still kind-of competing with each other also.

Like the Hangout guys keep mentioning they want to bring on Bob Stauffer on - but he's yet another competitor, so would he come?

Wasn't EST taking pot shots at the broadcast quality of 1440 a few weeks ago?

The way I see it is I don't know how all of 1440, EST and an influx of podcasts can co-exist together when the consolidates 1260 platform wasn't deemed viable. Maybe there is a non-financial consideration for why 1260 is no more that I don't know of, but on the surface it seems apparent that somebody is going to have to lose eventually.
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Wasn't EST taking pot shots at the broadcast quality of 1440 a few weeks ago?

The way I see it is I don't know how all of 1440, EST and an influx of podcasts can co-exist together when the consolidates 1260 platform wasn't deemed viable. Maybe there is a non-financial consideration for why 1260 is no more that I don't know of, but on the surface it seems apparent that somebody is going to have to lose eventually.

I don't know about "pot shots", but they have mentioned several times how they come in "crystal clear" which is definitely a snide remark on 1440.

The thing about podcasts though is they are cheap. EST has what - 4-5 guys on the payroll (Dusty LTE, Iwanyk, Gazzola, maybe Youtube Trev)? Livestreaming on the internet itself costs almost nothing. The talent itself produces their own content.

Bell closed down TSN 1290 in Winnipeg 2-3 years ago, but Winnipeg Sports Talk is going quite strong (though on an even leaner budget - only 2 guys).

1440 - Gregor is basically renting the station from its owners. But given how it was previously broadcasting oldies out of Wetaskiwin it can't have been making much money. Dusty at one point mentioned off-hand it would cost "hundreds of thousands" of dollars to get his show on the radio, so that at least gives us a rough ballpark.

So the costs of broadcast radio are higher than livestreaming, but it's certainly possible that it's cheaper to do at 1440 than 1260. 1260 was owned by Bell, an enormous national company, with all of the costs that might come with that. 1440 (call letters CKJR) is owned by another national company, Stingray Radio, but all it's stations all seem to be rather, how to say it, low-budget, so it's quite possible they can run a station more cheaply than Bell.

So I dunno for sure. I guess I would be most worried about the 1440 podcasts, just because they need to cover the cost of the transmitter, but I suspect Gregor knew what he was getting into. The EST guys, they might have gone too big with running multiple shows, a physical office (don't most podcasters work out of a home office), but again I think they know what they're doing.

