Adele Dazeem
Registered User
Summer Rose, I thought my posts were special. What a letdown.
Are the Leafs supposed to be a good offensive team?
Dumbass crowd wanted a penalty on that
He's the futureHasn’t this conversation about Woll gone on for a little too long? He’s let in 2 goals on 16 shots, why are we talking about all the other goalies that were picked ahead of him like he’s proving them wrong?
Watch this.......Imagine your post doesn’t get liked by Summer Rose.
Boy oh boy, you must be in the dog house.
Weak teaI’m pretty sure I could barrel into a Leafs players house, destroy everything they own, and they’d make me a cup of tea as I leave.
We're all special. Some of us are rude boys without privileges, some are reactionary sobs, some are agreeable, and so on. But Summer roots for the Coyotes, which gives a person callouses everywhere.Summer Rose, I thought my posts were special. What a letdown.
How long before they show some desperation? Maybe when they’re down 3-0 and there’s only 4 mins left in the 3rd?How long before we see someone from the Leafs yelling at an official?
I think by 10 min into the 2nd.
Why don’t they sing some Nickelback?They just want something to cheer for
Dammit.Watch this.......
You know that show Wednesday on Netflix?
I heard it sucked.
Also, I've never seen an episode.
I thought he was best Leafs player in the 1st period. Nylander playing? Haven’t notice him at all
Cool this isn’t a preseason game I don’t careHe's the future