I don’t mind the braun trade. It was cheap vet D depthThe org getting both is a black eye on the org.
Our worst hockey of the regular season we played in the last few games.If you told me this at the end of the regular season I would have laughed at you. Unbelievable.
The kids also aren't the ones glued to Crosby.I don't disagree, but I also don't really get how a response to my post is "it's a team game." Sure, that's true. But the only pieces on this team who aren't melting down are the young kids, even in the face of their "leaders" being completely lost.
Blais is irrelevant he hasn’t played in months.
Goodrow/Lindgren are canceled out by Rakell/Dumuolin
Zucker missed the first two games
The penguins have both their goalies out
Injuries are not an excuse the penguins have been equally hard if not worse
The Rangers have like 5 of their recent 1st round picks playing in this game, like what? lolPeople keep saying this as if the Rangers have given us any faith that they’re capable of drafting and developing talent.
Even Phoenix doesn’t miss on first round picks as much as we do.
Not me, I said let’s not focus on making the playoffs and instead get some more talent so we don’t suck 5v5.What gets me is that the entire season people said "let's make the playoffs so we can get some experience now instead of later." And then when the team loses it mentally, everyone is f***ing flabbergasted.
What the f*** did you guys think "experience" meant? This is why it's important.
what is the point of Reaves right now? If it was 6-2 Rangers slashes and nonstop hits would be coming at them
Jones should have played. He wouldn't have made this game gone any worse. At least he could have gotten some playoff experience. Nemeth and Braun have bricks tied to their feet.It all begins with the terrible breakouts and lost draws
What was the point of Reaves ever?what is the point of Reaves right now? If it was 6-2 Rangers slashes and nonstop hits would be coming at them
hit somebody.