Effortless sexy.
Locker room stuff is irrelevant. I mean what are they doing, quadratic equations? Are they aligning chakras? Are they solving Fermat's Theorem? These are hockey players. They take a hit of smelling salts, gulp down some energy drink/water then go back on the ice.I mean, I won't question what happens in their locker room cuz I have no idea what the f*** is happening in it. I think you should check some post history for my stance on the "boo hoo strip Tavares of the C" debate that happened after game 1. You might be surprised wink wink.
Will I rip the on ice performance of teams? If I bear witness to it, sure.
Whether Marchand is a good captain or not will come as a result of two things:
Winning the Cup as a captain
His community work and perception of self in the Boston and Greater Boston Community.
Right now, Boston's coach should be on the firing line for failing to put down a very wounded animal. If Boston loses this series (and I have picked the Leafs in 6 by the way) then there need to be sweeping changes to the entire organization, an organization habituated to coasting on regular season success to a feeling of entitlement of playoff results.
And Brad Marchand can change that if, you know, he produces.