Not trying to rain on the parade too much, but after looking a little closer he had less than 3 minutes against Crosby.
He was "matched up" with matthews at times, but the tage line had the most head to head minutes and was equally successful.
He did well, this isn't a shot at him, but the way this is presented in the tweet is a bit misleading
I think your being a bit misleading yourself.
Cozens didn’t just go against the Mathers line “at times”. His line and Tage’s effectivey split the matchup with Mathews. Each getting around 7mins against him. Skinner 7:15/Tage 7:59/Asplund 7:21 and Caggiula 7:04/Cozens 6:51/Hino 7:18
You seem to be suggesting he hardly played again Mathews.
The Crosby stuff in that tweet is misleading but it could be an honest mistake from lazy research. Cozens linemates played the most against Crosby of all the forwards (almost 5mins). Maybe they assumed Cozens was with them and didn’t dig further. Bad research.
Granato basically rolled the lines against Crosby
R2 ——> 3:46 vs Crosby
Eakin -> 3:15
Cozens -> 2:52
Tage —> 2:33