My suggestion wasn't that the team has arrived. We may not even make the playoffs this year based on the hole that was dug in Lalonde's chunk of the season. It was that the rebuild has arrived. Those individual things are all part of a greater whole, one that was planned deliberately. It's no longer just promise and potential of prospects up in that air while the product on the ice is the mediocre placeholders. The plan is coming together. The fruits of the rebuild are the ones driving the team and there are a lot more on the way. Including a few very significant pieces.
The brightest spots on the team are dragging along the mediocre ones. And most of those bright spots are locked up long term and only going to get better. The mediocre ones will be replaced over the next 2-3 seasons with other players who are projecting to be bright spots. At some point soon it's looking like there'll be more bright spots than non-bright spots on the team.
Up until this season we were mostly watching the placeholder team that Yzerman slapped together while patiently rebuilding and developing top draft picks. I think the scales have tipped to where we're now watching Yzerman's rebuild on the ice.
It is easier to see the vision than a year ago, guess I would just caution there are still a fair amount of unknowns/projections before this can all come together.
I think if we can add someone like Provorov, the outline for the team is mostly there.
You just wait for some of these stop-gap contracts to expire and replace them with some of the plethora of prospects we have, and I can see a good team. But we have to keep in mind guys like ASP, MBN, Buchelnikov, Augustine, etc etc have played 0 NHL games. There is a wide range of outcomes of what they might be in the NHL. Just because Seider/Ed/Raymond hit does not guarantee everyone will.
Then there is the x-factor of what we might do via trades or UFA over the next 2-3 years as well.
So a lot to be excited about, but still a lot of unknowns. Not really sure you can say even the rebuild has arrived, just yet.