Does anyone read lips?


Snack enthusiast
Oct 5, 2007
In Limbo
Great. Just ****ing great.

I can see Hall asking out of here. I think it's already happened with Petry. I think he told them 'you might as well trade me, because I'm not signing an extension and I'm out of here after this season.' And it may or may not have to do with Eakins, but I'll bet at least some of it does have to do with him.

And then there's Hall. The one and only true star player on the team. Yet we have a coach talking to him with no respect. I can easily see Hall asking to be traded, and I can also see MacT keeping Eakins over Hall because of his ego: Eakins was all on him. He has to fire Eakins, that is major egg on his face. He has to trade Hall? Well he can salvage that and justify it in his mind by getting back good pieces. Of course they won't be as good as Hall, but it will be good enough in his mind to justify the trade so he doesn't have to admit his mistake regarding hiring Eakins--at least not yet, anyway. And you always want to delay that for as long as possible and pray that things change.

And this is just with 2 players that I'm spitballing about. This whole situation could get very ugly very soon. And all because of keeping Eakins. Is it worth it? If any of this is true--if it's even remotely true, is keeping Eakins worth it? Should I even have to ask?

This is becoming...I don't even know how to describe it. I'm actually starting to feel embarrassed for MacT regarding Eakins.


Dec 21, 2008
If he is yelling at Hall then his body language is pretty weird....if that's him when he is disciplining someone then he is not in control and he knows it.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
I don't notice anything wrong with this clip. He looks like he is speaking loudly because its loud in the building, i don't know, is the media talking about this?

Not an Eakins booster at all. Seems like nothing.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2013
Are we seriously trying to make something out of this? A hockey coach talking loudly to one of his players? Come on.
There's a lot of things to critique Eakins for but this is just pathetic and a lot of the posts just come off as little teenage boys and girls chitter-chattering and trying to make up things to hate about someone. To be honest some of you come off really douchy.

Seriously this. The vitriol on this board is really getting out of hand. Yes, the team sucks from top to bottom. Coaching has been questionable, management is ineffective, etc., etc. I get it. And i agree with it. What I don't get, and can't accept, is the personal nature of the crap that is being said here. Calling these guys morons and idiots in every thread, and attacking their character as people, is really going over the line. Christ, now we even have a poll to quantify exactly who sucks more, the coach or the GM.

These are people trying to do a job, doing what they can to win. It may not be working, but can we at least entertain the notion that they're working through this with the best of intentions?

Dial it down and take a breath, people.

/end rant


Registered User
Apr 14, 2007
Seriously this. The vitriol on this board is really getting out of hand. Yes, the team sucks from top to bottom. Coaching has been questionable, management is ineffective, etc., etc. I get it. And i agree with it. What I don't get, and can't accept, is the personal nature of the crap that is being said here. Calling these guys morons and idiots in every thread, and attacking their character as people, is really going over the line. Christ, now we even have a poll to quantify exactly who sucks more, the coach or the GM.

These are people trying to do a job, doing what they can to win. It may not be working, but can we at least entertain the notion that they're working through this with the best of intentions?

Dial it down and take a breath, people.

/end rant

Please send this post the kevin lowe and some of our media people in town. Thanks.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2009
I want eakins fired but it looked to me like he was saying something to the extent of him being ok if hall gets his stick up on guys and takes a penalty. It looked like he said you just tell them that they will have a mouth full of stick and missing teeth.

I actually think i clearly saw him say "you tell them..."

Yeah to me it looks like he says something like..."...and you go up to him and tell him that the next time he does that hes ******** going to be swallowing his teeth and you give him a taste of it on his side"
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Registered User
Sep 17, 2003
I'm not an Eakins fan at all, but this just seems like a passionate coach coaching his player. I see intensity, not anger. Nothing to see here guys.


We're talking a physical pro sport here where fighting is very much part of it. You think its wise that a scrawny man like Eakins starts beaking off somebody that could put him in the 3rd row and likely wants to some times?

Perron had to talk Hall down last season on the bench when this happened.

Eakins is playing the wrong card here and that's the bigger point.

I'm not somebody that has to fight or engage in that. But I can impose like that if I wanted to and don't. Because theres much more effective ways to convey than to scream at somebody.

Good grief, what if Scotty Bowman in his last years of coaching called out a player? How dare a senior citizen beak off to a player that can put him in the third row...

Don't disagree that Eakins' handling of Hall and the other players is suspect at times but your reasoning is ridiculous.


Reduce chainsaw size
May 3, 2003
This thread is completely bonkers. If you think there is anything wrong with this, you have lost all unbiased perception in regards to Eakins.

Has anyone else played high-level hockey? I have been reamed the **** out by a coach when I screwed up/missed an assignment/whatever. This is a calm talking-to and nothing more. Hall is hardly even reacting. Have you not seen clips of someone like Babcock getting forceful on the bench? It doesn't matter if you like the current Oilers coach or not, this is what that man in this position is hired and paid to do.

When they see clips of him not saying anything, people *****. When he says stuff, people *****. Like it or not, this man is the current head coach. I would much rather see more of this than less. Like... good lord, none of you even know what he is saying.

The Head Crusher

Jan 3, 2008
Dallas Eatkins looks like Charlie Sheen's little brother

Emilio Estevez?


No wait Emilio is older than Charlie.


Something in the water
Feb 20, 2006
I think Eakins is the worst coach we've had yet. But this seems like a meaningless exchange when we have zero context. I think a lot of people around here see what they want to see with this kind of thing.


The Seldom Seen Kid
Mar 3, 2004
This thread is completely bonkers. If you think there is anything wrong with this, you have lost all unbiased perception in regards to Eakins.

Has anyone else played high-level hockey? I have been reamed the **** out by a coach when I screwed up/missed an assignment/whatever. This is a calm talking-to and nothing more. Hall is hardly even reacting. Have you not seen clips of someone like Babcock getting forceful on the bench? It doesn't matter if you like the current Oilers coach or not, this is what that man in this position is hired and paid to do.

When they see clips of him not saying anything, people *****. When he says stuff, people *****. Like it or not, this man is the current head coach. I would much rather see more of this than less. Like... good lord, none of you even know what he is saying.

I couldn't agree more.

What a mistake it was coming into this thread and reading some of this speculative nonsense. Its worse than a proposal thread. :D

Amazing to see what losing drives fans to speculate on. :help:


Mar 9, 2011
He looks quite intense...

The guys a tool, and should not be coaching in the NHL.

Lets rip the only player that is trying to carry this team on his back. Great job Eakins!!!

This is what I think ripping a player a new one looks...


65Bsntkd.gif comparison seems like Eakins is trying to coach and actually looks fairly reserved...

btw...currently he is being unsuccessful as a coach...which I believe is something to harp on...but attacks on him on a personal level is little bit much. The guy wants to win...I do believe it...but unfortunately he just doesn't seem to use skilled players very well. But seriously...some of you guys need to chill...before you burst a vein on something that really shouldn't affect your day to day living.


Sep 14, 2008
Yeah I'm not seeing anything here to get riled up about. Eakins always has that sort of body language when he talks I feel.


Registered User
Jun 22, 2006
So as usual, because he is a good old canadian kid he should get a free pass on everything.

No, he's not above criticism

If you make claims like that though, it helps to have some kind of reasoning behind why you consider him a *****.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2007
You want Kevin Lowe to tell people to dial it down on HF?

You missed this one...

No you missed this one. I want Kevin Lowe and the oilers and the media to dial it down. Once the oilers and some media start acting like professionals you can expect other people to as well.

One reason why things get ramped up is not only are the oilers a really bad team and org, the ones running it are really arrogant and bullies in general. You reap what you sow.


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