Doc Emrick Retiring


Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL
Was not a Doc fan, but I cannot deny how good of a career he had. Had some brilliant calls, had some lawnmower connected to a jackhammer type of calls too.
Over the while here, I've seen people crap on Kenny Albert. I actually find his PBP ability better than Emrick. Doc always sounds like he's having an aneurysm calling things at times.
I don't disagree, but Kenny is that bloke who can absolutely have enthusiasm in his game-calling ability, but damn bruv he chooses not to have it majority of the time.

Montag DP

Sabres fan in...
Apr 4, 2007
Congrats to him. I was never a fan, but he obviously made a great career out of it.

I'll miss his overly enthusiastic "AHHHGHHHHHRRRGHHHH" when there was a high danger chance in the crease or something.
That was one of the things that annoyed me about him. Not that he was overly enthusiastic, but that he didn't say what actually happened until seconds later. Imagine listening to that PBP on the radio and trying to figure out what was going on. Plus, it sounded kind of forced to me. My other pet peeve about his style was the use of nouns as verbs, e.g. "finessed."

Bounces R Way

Registered User
Nov 18, 2013
Wasn't my favourite or anything but generally enjoyed the energy and enthusiasm he brought to his broadcasts. Hard to do week after week year after year. Definitely an original who developed his own unique style. Much better than Sports Play by Play Announcer Type 1 Jim Hughson. Happy trails Mr Emrick.

Any of Forslund, Miller, or Cuthbert would be great choices to take over.

South Florida Canuck

Biggest Canucks Superfan in South Florida
Jun 8, 2006
Jupiter, FL
I wish him well in his retirement but I wasn't a fan. He was a constant shill for USA hockey and his little stories regarding players were lame as hell (Vin Scully was the only announcer that was ever good at this) He couldn't carry Bob Cole's jockstrap.
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Trust the Yzerscam
Oct 23, 2018
Doc Emrick is a one of a kind play-by-play announcer.

I think he's regressed in "sharpness" over the past few years with age of course, but the guy was one of the top tier standards of hockey announcers in the 80s-90s-00s. His enthusiasm was contagious, didn't have his biases obvious to teams more so, but more bias in favour of good hockey in general. Loved his passion and preferred his style more than the Chris Cuthbert, Jim Hughson types in how invested he was and how you felt his love of hockey in the tone of his voice.

John Forslund is fine for now to replace him, but would love to see ESPN buy back the broadcasting rights and have Gary Thorne return to calling hockey. Only one of the few I think are better than Emrick.


Registered User
Sep 8, 2013
New Jersey
Hearing him call games while growing up in Jersey was a gift. He still had the special sauce when he moved to doing national broadcasts, but those of us who got to enjoy his Devils years know what's up.

I can understand not being a fan, just as I am not one of my Avs' current tandem, but you can't knock his incredible eloquence and passion for the sport.

There are definitely still a few play callers who can glue me to a game, and sadly, none of them are Kenny Albert. He wouldn't even be my first choice to call a Rangers game
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Satans Hockey

Registered User
Nov 17, 2010
My Doc story was many, many years ago at one of the Devils fan club dinners/autograph things with the team. He got on line behind us waiting to get inside when they hadn't even opened the doors up yet. Numerous people told him just to bypass the line and he politely declined and said he would rather wait his turn and chat with us instead.

Chico and Doc were the Devils best tv duo and will never be matched simply because they were truly just fans of the Devils. They both loved(and love because Chico is still on radio and around) to interact with all of their fans and have a way of making themselves seem like they are simply a friend we just haven't seen in awhile instead of a total stranger.

I hope Doc has a fantastic retirement and I'll miss him calling games.
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Don't Poke The Bear
Dec 23, 2006
Boston Garden
I'm surprised. I thought he was going to call games for another 30 years. j/k but yeah I think I speak on behalf of all hockey fans when I say well deserved. This guy never took a day off. He always brought his enthusiasm every game. Congrats and enjoy the retirement!


Registered User
Jun 16, 2009
I'll remember him for getting super excited when a team scored against us but not that excited when tb scored. I dont think nbc or doc particularly liked a team from tampa in the big games.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House

That he’d establish himself as an East Coast voice — Hershey Bears, Maine Mariners, Flyers, Rangers’ radio, Devils — before ESPN, CBS and finally NBC was this region’s great fortune.

On a personal, off-air basis, Emrick is the ultimate mensch. A deacon in the Methodist Church, his gentle sense of humor and unyielding patience and respect for all creates envy for a life well-lived, with plenty left to give.

Emrick once met flattery with the suggestion that folks name their progeny “Doc” by saying “as long as it’s not Grumpy, Dopey or Sleepy.”

Sam Flood, executive producer of NBC Sports, put it very well: “Doc is a national treasure. Simply put, he’s one of the best ever to put on a headset.”

That video was just great.
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