Registered User
As a concept, I think we all agree that stats have limitations and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Where I differ from a lot of folks is that I feel analytics provoke an outsized reaction, particularly negative ones.
That's just my perception. In my time here, I've seen people be sanctimonious about analytics, and perhaps you're seeing an outsized reaction in that direction.
But again, I come back to this thread, which is "do analytics suck?" based on this random ass one game, and I would ask you, can you point me to any of the following thread topics?
-"Does this expert who had one bad take suck now? Should we disregard him entirely?"
-"My coach is moron. Does coaching suck? Are coaches useful?"
-"My friend watches the Flyers every night and his opinions are dumb. Is watching hockey pointless?"
-"I really thought the Red Wings played well, but the other team scored 4 more goals. Should we take the final score with a grain of salt?"
That all sounds dumb, right? That's exactly what "analytics produced this one result I didn't expect so do they suck entirely?" sounds like.
That's what "this shot should go in NINETY-SIX(!!!) percent of the time" sounds like. And I'm not trying to call out OP, but I mean c'mon, if you shot the puck off a pier, you wouldn't hit the water 96% of the time.
We don't have these very silly discussions about anything else being wrong.
I can understand where you're coming from. To me, it's sort like with streaming. When it first came out, it was a huge leap forward and was clearly better than what came before it. But then it grew into dozens of different services, each only providing one or two good things, and a lot of people no longer want to wade through all the trash to get the few treasures, and now have a negative reaction to the whole thing. Similarly, there are some analytics that are very useful for certain things, but there's also a lot of crap out there that is absolute trash, and much too time consuming to dig through and parse which is which.
Also, this thread is "do expected goal statistics suck?", not all analytics. And, suck might be harsh, but it's also true if the stats are being interpreted incorrectly. To answer the question in the OP about this specific shot, that shot is 0.16 xG because for all the shots taken from that location that fed into the xG numbers, about 1 in 6 have resulted in a goal. So, according to the xG model, that shot is expected to score about 1/6 of a goal, or 0.16 xG. But Danforth got off a much better shot than most of the ones feeding into the model, so the expectation for the average shot from that location don't match what actually happened, and wasn't really useful for predicting what happens in this one instance with this one player. Obviously, this isn't what xG is meant to predict, so anyone using it for this purpose is going to think it sucks.