My God what a scathing report. Sounds like he's an easy release if he counts against the 50 contract limit.
He doesn't and we hold his rights indefinitely.
My God what a scathing report. Sounds like he's an easy release if he counts against the 50 contract limit.
I take anything coming from russia from journalists with a huge grain of salt. According to the media Kovalev was the worst humain being in the history of mankind.He throws him under the bus and then threw the body down the bridge basically
Since journalism standards died a number of years ago, I try to keep aware that anything I read may be biased. On the face of it sounds awful, but I am sure HUGO figure it out.
It is pretty rare to see a manager cut a promo publicly on a player like that. Kostenko must have REALLY pissed him off something fierce.
It also says a lot about Gusev's character a well....sounds like a real scumbag.
He should shut his mouth like any good professional would do instead of going out of his way to bury the kid. I am not saying that he isn't correct in his observations as I don't have any insight but speaking that way about this kid is incredibly unprofessional and smells of ego and a sense of superiority.