Discussion: Who were the best 10 players 1900-1905?

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Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Following on this thread, another round of light discussion on early era players. Hopefully this will be helpful for folks who are making their top-200 lists.

ATD bios of players from this era:

Dickie Boon
Mike Grant (until 1902)
Si Griffis (from 1901-02)
Fred Lake
Jack Marshall
Harvey Pulford
Art Ross (from 1902-03)
Hod Stuart

Dan Bain (from 1902-03)
Russ Bowie
Jimmy Gardner
Pud Glass (from 1901-02)
Frank McGee
Tommy Phillips
Blair Russel
Alf Smith
Harry Smith (from 1902-03)
Bruce Stuart
Harry Trihey (until 1901)
Harry "Rat" Westwick

Riley Hern
John Bouse Hutton
Paddy Moran

Questions that come to mind:
- Who in this era might be considered underrated/overrated?

- From a 1905 perspective, who would be considered the greatest player of all time?

- In the 1895-1900 thread, we talked a lot about the absence of clear-cut elite goalies. How much did that change during the next 5 year period?

- Several of these players entered or exited hockey midway through the timeframe... were any of them good enough to be considered top-10 despite playing only 2 or 3 of the 5 seasons?

- Some of these players (e.g., Paddy Moran) only played senior hockey during this timeframe. How do we rate that against professional play which was just beginning to emerge in a couple of small, outlying leagues?

Michael Farkas

Celebrate 68
Jun 28, 2006
Last bullet point...is there any crossover data that exists (that is, players that did both in their prime) that would suggest what leagues were "tougher" or perceived tougher...? Or is even that too much of an undertaking to glean any info from...?
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Partying Hard
Oct 27, 2005
For that very specific timeframe, Russel Bowie, Frank McGee and Hod Stuart would appear to be the best players.

However, that period comprises nearly the entirety of the careers of the last two (it's a bit more complicated than that, I know).


Registered User
Aug 28, 2006
For that very specific timeframe, Russel Bowie, Frank McGee and Hod Stuart would appear to be the best players.

However, that period comprises nearly the entirety of the careers of the last two (it's a bit more complicated than that, I know).

Yes, Tommy Phillips was mostly at his best after this time frame, and the big thing about Bowie is that his longevity was longer than the rest of this bunch.


Partying Hard
Oct 27, 2005
Yes, Tommy Phillips was mostly at his best after this time frame, and the big thing about Bowie is that his longevity was longer than the rest of this bunch.

He was the player I had in mind when making the second comment. There's a discussion to be had regarding where Philips rank vs McGee and Stuart in the grand scheme of things (my hunch would be McGee > Philips > Stuart), but if we're to keep it strictly to 1900-1905, there's absolutely none.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Yes, Tommy Phillips was mostly at his best after this time frame, and the big thing about Bowie is that his longevity was longer than the rest of this bunch.

He was the player I had in mind when making the second comment. There's a discussion to be had regarding where Philips rank vs McGee and Stuart in the grand scheme of things (my hunch would be McGee > Philips > Stuart), but if we're to keep it strictly to 1900-1905, there's absolutely none.

What this point hints at, is the wave of talent that hit just as this period ended. Players that came into high-level hockey around 1904 include the Patrick brothers, Art Ross, Moose Johnson, Tommy Dunderdale, and a handful of other HHOF types. The list gets a lot longer within the next 5 years.

And a big part of why that next generation looks so much stronger, is their staying power. A bunch of guys with 10-20 year careers, so their career profiles look dramatically stronger than those of the 1900-05 crew. I’ll hazard an opinion that this is mainly due to the youngest players benefitting from full careers in pro hockey, but it may not be entirely that simple.

I look at this 5-year span as an interesting transition period — the guys who peaked here would just miss the opportunity for professional play (and therefore a long career) but I have to think they were significantly better trained and more focused on hockey than the generation immediately before them.
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sr edler

gold is not reality
Mar 20, 2010
I don't think Jimmy Gardner was anything special as an actual player. I think he's in the HHOF partly because of off ice things like co-founding Les Canadiens and coaching, and partly because Little Men of Iron sounds cool. I think the big star of the Montreal AAA at the onset of the 20th century was Archie Hooper. I think Gardner was pretty much a glue guy with decent offensive upside on those teams, Pud Glass or Cecil Blachford style.

Fred Lake was a left winger until 1908 and Jack Marshall was a center up until the latter half of his career.

Straight offense Billy Breen & Herb Jordan came along at the second half of the 1900–1905 window, and perhaps Lorne Campbell.


20 years of All-Time Drafts on HfBoards
Sep 4, 2004
South Korea
I'm sorry, but....

From 1901-1905 the best player was Frank McGee.

At least clearly in terms of Stanley.Cup history.
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Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
This is again bit of info dump, but quickly tried to gather most of the All-Star team selections that I have from this time period. All of them are from very end of this time period. So guys who were just getting started at that point looks better. And always need to be bit cautios with these selections.

First is from All-Star game between East and West Toronto teams at the end of 1903-1904 season. Not much can be taken out of it. Lot of names that went to have great career. Many that went to IPHL first. As a small notion Pete Maltman who apparently was regarded All-Star in Toronto went later to IPHL and was pretty much the weakest goalie in the league. Shows the class that they had in goalies.

Toronto All-Star Game
East Goal:Giroux Point:Charlton Cover Point:Ardagh Forwards: Chadwick, Hynes, Phillips, Forrester

West Goal:Maltman Point:Brown Cover Point:Twaits Forwards: Preston, Munn, Taylor, Peel

Next is the often referred 1905 All-Star team

Montreal Gazette Feb 17 1905
The Toronto News published Eastern Hockey All-Star team. It was made by "Montreal man"

Goal: Paddy Moran, Quebec Point:Harvey Pulford, Ottawa Coverpoint:Arthur Moore, Ottawa Rover:Russel Bowie, Victorias Center:Frank McGee, Ottawa Left Wing:Blair Russell, Victorias Right Wing:Billy Gilmour, Ottawa

"When it came to the selection of our greatest defence players, a kein debate might be aroused," says the writer making the choice. "Perhaps the defence of the Ottawa Stanley Cup holders is the best of the ice today, and the men in front of the goalkeeper are: Pulford, point and Moore, Cover point. Both strapping big men they do not use boarding-school methods to handle the enemy as it sweeps down upon them. Pulford is a poor skater. That is his only weakness. But opposing teams fear him, as they fear no man on the ice, and Pulford´s strenuous work in the defence of his goal net has earned him the endearing title of "Butcher".

"Moore can also accomplish a little body-checking on occasions. He, too, is no gentle lamb, and many a forward can show black and blue marks decerating his anatomy to prove it.

I haven´t find the original source for this. So I do not know who and where this selection was made. It was mentioned in New York Tribune. I am not entirely certain how they assigned the positions. It is easy to guess that they probably did not count players playing in IPHL (even the name is All-Canadian.

New York Tribune 21 March 1905
All-Star Canadian team

Goal: Paddy Moran, Quebec Point:Harvey Pulford, Ottawa Coverpoint:Si Griffis, Rat Portage Center?:Russel Bowie, Victorias Center:Frank McGee, Ottawa Right Wing?:Blair Russell, Victorias Right Wing:Tommy Phillips, Rat Portage

Next one is All Montreal team from the same season. I guess you can take it from here that Art Ross yet hadn´t make a big name for himself.

The Ottawa Journal 15 March 1905
All-Montreal team selected by two sportsman. The paragraph is opinion of the Ottawa Journal sportwriter.

Sportsman 1
Goal:Oswald Waugh, Montreals Point:"Turkey" Bellingham, Victorias Coverpoint: Dickie Boon, Wanderers Rover:Russel Bowie, Victorias Center:Grover Sargent, Montreals Left Wing:Blair Russell, Victorias Right Wing:Cess Blachford, Wanderers

Sportsman 2
Goal:Oswald Waugh, Montreals Point:W.Strachan (Billy) Wanderers, Coverpoint:Lester Patrick, Westmount Rover:Russel Bowie, Victorias Center:Grover Sargent, Montreals Left Wing:Blair Russell, Victorias Right Wing:Cess Blachford, Wanderers

To compete with the speedy westerners the local defence men would have to be speedy and good rushers. Lester Patrick and Dicky Boon souwl probably be suitable for the defence, as both have plenty of speed and can rush well.

And then there is lot of IPHL All-Star selections. Probably the most underrated league of history. First selection was made early in the season. Others were late season selections. And with these there need to give bias warning.

What I can take from it is that there seemed to be pretty much consensus that Hod Stuart was the best Cover Point in league. Ken Mallen and Doc Gibson (who I could consider best Defence players of this time period) got lot of attention. This doesn´t look that good for Lorne Campbell who I agree is overall underrated. Also this seems to be in line what I have read about goaltending. There wasn´t clear consensus about who was best goalie in US. At this point between Chief Jones and Riley Hern.

Manitoba Morning Free Press 9 Jan 1905
"American" selects his All-American team

Goal:Chief Jones, Mich. Soo Point: Doc Gibson, Houghton Cover Point:Hod Stuart, Calumet Rover:Eddie Roberts, Pittsburg Center:Bruce Stuart, Pittsburg Soo Righ Wing: Haddo Black, Houghton Left Wing:Fred Lake, Houghton

These are from research made by Daniel Scott Mason

Soo Evening news had readers voting All-Star selection from IPHL in spring of 1905

Goal:Chief Jones, Mich. Soo Point:Roy Brown, Can Soo Cover Point:Hod Stuart, Calumet Rover:Ken Mallen, Calumet Center: Didier Pitre, Mich. Soo Righ Wing: Jack Laviolette, Mich Soo Left Wing:Frank Sweitzer Mich Soo.

Calumet Evening News had fans/readers voting All-American team.

Goal:Riley Hern, Houghton Point: Doc Gibson, Houghton Cover Point:Hod Stuart, Calumet Rover:Ken Mallen, Calumet Center:Fred Strike, Calumet Righ Wing: Jack Laviolette, Mich Soo Left Wing:Jimmy Gardner, Calumet

Pittsburgh Times Sport Editor Pat.S.Egan selected his All-Star team.

Goal:Jack Winchester Pittsburgh Point: Doc Gibson, Houghton Cover Point:Hod Stuart, Calumet Rover:Ken Mallen, Calumet Center:Arthur Sixsmith Pittsburg Righ Wing: Charles Liffiton, Houghton Left Wing:Jimmy Gardner, Calumet

edit. Smiley faces taken out :)


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
Out of goalies yeah its hard. Bouse Hutton was goaltender of dynasty. It wasnt easy to find lot of significant stuff out of him. He was great Lacrosse goalie and I would say atleast very good hockey goalie. I would still probably rank Paddy Moran in front of him even from this time period even he distinguished himself only in last few seasons. I have some doubts about the class of the goalies that played in eastern big leagues, but I post it later. Here are some of the things I gathered from Bouse Hutton years ago because his bio doesnt seem to have that much stuff. Its not much but it is something.

The Ottawa Journal 30. Jan 1900
"Hutton, in the Ottawa flags´is certainly a star

This is from 1903 if I remember correct. I have lost the date

In a hockey game a goal tend´s position is not an enviable one. He is seldom credited with any share of a victory, but in case of a defeat is sure to get more than his own share. It was when Ottawa was playing four men to Montreal´s seven that Hutton´s nerve stood him in good sread and enabled him on two occasions to save apparently impossible situations. And his good judgement was all the more apparent at this crisis because Montreal by poor judgement failed to take advantage of the absence on the side of both Pulford and Spittal to make a combined attack....

From a Stanley Cup challenge against Marlboros
The Ottawa Citizen 24. Feb 1904
Hutton distinquished himself by his work before the nets. In fact his performance last night stamps him as a marvel in the position and the Marlboro team attribute their defeat to his clever stopping more tan any other cause

The Winnipeg Tribune 30. Dec 1905

Bouse Hutton of Ottawa a former member of the Stanley Cup holders, and one of the best goal-keepers that has ever played on a Canadian hockey team may coach the St. John hockeyist this winter..

The Ottawa Citizen 15. Mar 1905
Bouse Hutton is another who must not be forgotten. He helped to bring the Stanley cup to Ottawa and to defend it until the present year and should not be overlooked when remembering the men of the famous Ottawa team.

And few rumours that there were interest to him in other (pro) leagues.
The Ottawa Citizen 28. Oct 1905
The Canadian Soo will sign at least five new men.... "Bouse" Hutton may play goal...

The Winnipeg Tribune 20. Now 1906
Western Canada hockey magnates are after Bouse Hutton of Ottawa


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
Now the doubts about CAHL and FAHL goalies comes from few things. Other is obviously from the constant changing of goalies. Not many of the goalies played several seasons and goalies were swapped even during season. Teans struggled to find starting goalie.

Other is that few significant goalies from that time spand did not do great in other leagues. Billy Nicholson was the Stanley cup winning goalie with the Little Men Of Iron. Was regarded as fine goalie. He turned "pro" in 1904-1905 and went to IPHL. And even from those All-Star selections you can see he wasn´t selected to none. He did do well in there, but I would rank him behind Winchester, Jones and Hern for his time in there.

Other is Jack Hunter the Cornwall goalie. First in OHA and then the team swapped FAHL. By all accounts very good goalie both hockey and Lacrosse. He went to Manitoba league in 1905 and was big disapointment and was regarded weaker than the goalies already there.

Few clips because Hunter is problably not as well known as Nicholson.

The Ottawa Citizen 26. Feb 1903
Hunter made beautiful stop of McLaren´s shot, Ardagh went down from cover but Hunter blocked his shot neatly. The Cornwalls went up the ice in line but Allen´s shot was wide. Chadwick skated in on Hunter but the Cornwall goalkeeper made another of his rattiling good stops...Hunter was playing the whole game for Cornwall at this stage, stopping shots from McLare and Chadwick with precision.

The Gazette 26. Feb 1903
The fact that the score was not made large one is due entirely to Jack Hunter, who gave great exhibition of goal keeping.

The Gazette 16. Jan 1904

The Cornwall defence was good, and Hunter in goal seemed to be a regular stone wall...

The Ottawa Citizen 2. Dec 1903

The old players in town are Jack Hunter, who is phenomenal goal keeper...

And then from his not that great trip to Manitoba
The Winnipeg Tribune 12. Jan 1906
Hunter of Cornwall who was tried out with Brandon,has proved the disapointment of the season in the wheat city. In the east he was regarded as one of the best goal tends in the business, but he has not been able to catch his stride in the west.

The Winnipeg Tribune 30. Jan 1906

Hunter last year with Commerce, was given chance to scintillate in front of the nets and he did fairly well, though he is not in the same class as Quinn. However, it might be said for him that he had far more wicked shot to handle than did the Winnipeg goal-tend.


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
And I guess brief clips from US from that time span. Goalie "rivalry" was mainly between Chief Jones and Riley Hern even prior forming IPHL. (though I´m not that well informed about goalies in New York)

The Pittsburgh Press - Mar 22, 1903
Jones, at goal was a stone wall and is in the class of the "only" Riley Hern.

Evening News January 14, 1904
The bright individual star of the two teams was Chief Jones in goal, and even the most enthusiastic Portage Lake supporter admit that while Riley Hern is great there are none the peers of Chief Jones.

The Pittsburgh press Feb 21, 1904
Jones, the goaltender. was with Houghton last season. It is said up in the copper country that Jones is superior to Riley Hern, an old local favorite, now with Portage Lake.

Chief Jones was acquired from St. Paul by Doc Gibson. Atleast Chaucer Elliot (who was ref in many leagues including IPHL) had high opinion about him.

The Detroit Times 2. Dec 1914
So predicts "Chief" Jones, coach of the septet that is organizing in this city, and once the choice of Chaucer Elliot, the Canadian referee, as the best all-around hockey player in the world. That was wen Jones played with the Cobalt team, the conquerors of the Renfrew -the "million dollar team"-....

Black Gold Extractor

Registered User
May 4, 2010
Data dump time! First up, the top leagues playing during the period from 1900-01 to 1904-05:

1901Games Played Wins Losses Ties Goals For Goals Against GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GANotes
Ottawa Hockey Club 870133204.132.503.884.28
Montreal Victorias 843145325.634.003.503.91
Montreal Shamrocks 844030253.753.133.974.13
Montreal Hockey Club 835028373.504.634.033.75
Quebec Hockey Club 817021432.635.384.253.56
1902Games Played Wins Losses Ties Goals For Goals Against GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Montreal Hockey Club 862039154.881.883.504.25
Ottawa Hockey Club 853035154.381.883.634.25
Montreal Victorias 844036254.503.133.593.94
Quebec Hockey Club 844026343.254.253.913.66
Montreal Shamrocks 817015621.887.754.252.78
1903Games Played Wins Losses Ties Goals For Goals Against GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Ottawa Hockey Club 862047265.883.254.445.10
Montreal Victorias 862048336.004.134.414.88
Montreal Hockey Club 743034194.862.714.765.05
Quebec Hockey Club 734030464.296.574.844.49
Montreal Shamrocks 808021562.637.005.254.17
1904Games Played Wins Losses Ties Goals For Goals Against GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Quebec Hockey Club 651050378.336.176.277.86
Montreal Victorias 853075489.386.006.446.87
Montreal Hockey Club 725034494.867.007.517.03
Montreal Shamrocks 707032744.5710.577.596.01
Ottawa Hockey Club440032158.003.757.047.39*Withdrew from CAHL after 4 games, joined FAHL
1905Games Played Wins Losses Ties Goals For Goals Against GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Montreal Victorias 891064328.004.006.336.22
Quebec Hockey Club 982078458.675.005.656.48
Montreal Hockey Club 973054426.004.676.246.55
Montreal Shamrocks 937041624.566.896.566.06
Montreal Westmount 937055756.118.335.736.21
Montreal Le National 4010† 06421.5010.506.336.22*Defaulted 6 games

1904 FAHLGames Played Wins Losses Ties Goals For Goals Against GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Montreal Wanderers 660038186.333.004.175.28
Montreal Le National 633027274.504.504.784.78
Cornwall HC 624020273.334.505.174.78
Ottawa Capitals 615028414.676.834.724.00
1905 FAHLGames Played Wins Losses Ties Goals For Goals Against GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Ottawa Hockey Club 871060197.502.383.594.88
Montreal Wanderers 862044275.503.384.094.63
Brockville 844034304.253.754.414.53
Cornwall HC 835018372.254.634.914.31
Montreal Montagnards 808019622.387.754.883.53

1902GP W L T GF GA Pts Ave GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Pittsburgh Keystones149504332180.6433.072.292.612.96
Pittsburgh A.C.148604628160.5713.292.002.503.11
Pittsburgh Bankers144100275580.2861.933.933.182.14
1903GP W L T GF GA Pts. Ave GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Pittsburgh Bankers1410315818190.6794.141.292.533.59
Pittsburgh A. C.137513632150.5772.772.462.993.20
Pittsburgh Victorias147704740140.53.362.862.793.07
Pittsburgh Keystones132110197140.1541.465.463.422.20
1904GP W L T GF GA PTS AVE GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Pittsburgh Victorias1310305623200.7694.311.773.033.81
Pittsburgh Bankers158704545160.5333.003.003.483.48
Pittsburgh A.C.144100446280.2863.144.433.492.76
Pittsburgh Keystones*6240153040.3332.505.003.273.27

1905GP W L T GF GA Pts Ave GF/GPGA/GPAvg. Opponent GFAvg. Opponent GA
Calumet-Laurium Miners24185113175370.775.463.133.734.63
Houghton-Portage Lakes2415729881320.6664.083.384.074.56
Michigan Soo24101318179210.4383.383.294.254.58
Pittsburgh Pros24815182144170.3543.426.004.243.91
Canadian Soo24617297140130.2714.045.834.083.95

It's hard to exactly quantify relative league strength. The CAHL would be the clear-cut strongest league until 1903. Midway through the next season, Ottawa HC would withdraw, and the following season it would join the FAHL. As well, the IPHL boasted the ever-formidable Portage Lakes HC and the team employing Hod Stuart at the time (i.e. Calumet in 1904-05, Pittsburgh afterward, Portage Lakes before). It's worth noting that even before the IPHL, the Hod Stuart-led Portage Lakes HC crushed the newly-formed Montreal Wanderers in 1903-04 in a two-game series (8-4 and 9-3). Unfortunately, before the IPHL, Portage Lakes was basically the Harlem Globetrotters before the NBA became integrated, so it's tough to gauge.

Surprisingly, using a combination of Hockey-Reference.com's adjustment method with quoipourquoi's opponent GA method on crossover players from 1904 to 1905 (as well as eyeballing players switching leagues in later seasons), there doesn't seem to be much of an effect on player scoring going from league to league.

Player Team GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. GFAHL 1904
Ken Mallen (RW) Calumet Miners 24384.63822824
Lorne Campbell (C) Pittsburgh Professionals 24293.918225
Portage Lakes Hockey Club 464.56145
Bruce Stuart (C) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 22334.567525
Hod Stuart (D) Calumet Miners 22184.637513
Jimmy Gardner (LW) Calumet Miners 23164.63791211
Jack Laviolette (D) Michigan Soo 24154.58821120
Fred Lake (LW/D) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 24144.568210
Barney Holden (D) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 2494.56827
Jack Gibson (F) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 2424.56821
IPHL data from Elite Prospects

Name Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GP
Jack Marshall Wanderers4116.0155250.45
Edgar Dey Capitals6114.558233
Ken Mallen Wanderers &
Alphonse Prevost Le National695.448223
Percy Sims Capitals594.556827
Jack Laviolette Nationals685.448220
"Pokey" Leahy Wanderers576.016816
Jimmy Gardner Wanderers656.018211
Ed Decarie Le National655.448213
Fred Strike Wanderers246.01279
Name Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GP
McGee, Frank Ottawa6174.886236
Marshall, Jack Wanderers8174.6382380.46
Westwick, Harry Ottawa8154.888232
Smith, Alf Ottawa8134.888227
Blachford, Cecil Wanderers7104.637222
Glass, Frank Wanderers694.636220
Lannon, W. Brockville874.538216
Shore, Hamby Ottawa364.883113
Marks, Jack Brockville864.538214
Mallette, Bob Cornwall854.318212
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Black Gold Extractor

Registered User
May 4, 2010
This is the second data dump, this time regarding scoring. With multiple leagues and incomplete data, it's basically pointless to do a leaderboard appearances tally, so instead I combined the best of both worlds: a concept that I'm calling "significant seasons". Basically, only seasons that are top-10 in their league are added to totals. This should eliminate the "compiler" issue.

From 1900-01 to 1904-05:

1901Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Russell Bowie Victorias7243.917263
Lorne Campbell Montreal7103.757227
Arthur Farrell Shamrocks8104.138225
Harold Henry Ottawa884.288219
Blair Russel Victorias883.918221
Arthur Sixsmith Ottawa774.287217
Harry Trihey Shamrocks774.137217
Charlie Liffiton Montreal863.758216
Harry Westwick Ottawa764.287214
Edward Stuart Victorias563.915116
Jack Smith Ottawa464.284114
1902Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Archie Hooper Montreal8174.258241
Russell Bowie Victorias7133.947234
Jack Marshall Montreal8114.258227
Rat Westwick Ottawa8114.258227
Bruce Stuart Ottawa894.258222
Blair Russel Victorias893.948223
Charlie Liffiton Montreal884.258219
Harold Henry Ottawa864.258214
Edward Stuart Victorias663.946216
Percy Lemesurier Quebec453.664114
Hod StuartQuebec853.668214
1903Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Russell Bowie Victorias7224.887246
Frank McGee Ottawa6145.16228
Herb Jordan Quebec7124.497227
Billy Gilmour Ottawa7105.17220
Archie Hooper Montreal695.056218
Jack Marshall Montreal785.057216
Blair Russell Victorias874.888215
Dave Gilmour Ottawa475.14114
Suddy Gilmour Ottawa775.17214
Harry Bright Shamrocks874.178217
1904Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Bowie, Russell Victorias8276.878240
Jordan, Herb Quebec6197.866225
Russell, Blair Victorias8176.878225
Howard, Cavie Victorias6166.876224
McGee, Frank Ottawa4127.394117
Sargent, Grover Montreal6117.036216
Power, Joe Quebec6107.866213
Coulson, Herbert Montreal687.036212
Smith, Alf Ottawa487.394111
Foulis, Colin Shamrocks676.016212
1905Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Bowie, Russell Victorias8276.227340
Russel, Blair Victorias8196.227328
Power, Joe Quebec9156.488221
Foulis, Colin Westmount7136.216419
Russell, Ernie Montreal8116.557315
Ross, Art Westmount8106.217315
Hogan, Eddie Quebec9106.488214
Church, Tom Westmount996.218213
Howard, Cavie Victorias896.227313
Jordan, Herb Quebec896.487313

1904Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Jack Marshall Wanderers4116.015525
Edgar Dey Capitals6114.558233
Ken Mallen Wanderers &
Alphonse Prevost Le National695.448223
Percy Sims Capitals594.556827
Jack Laviolette Nationals685.448220
"Pokey" Leahy Wanderers576.016816
Jimmy Gardner Wanderers656.018211
Ed Decarie Le National655.448213
Fred Strike Wanderers246.01279
1905Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
McGee, Frank Ottawa6174.886236
Marshall, Jack Wanderers8174.638238
Westwick, Harry Ottawa8154.888232
Smith, Alf Ottawa8134.888227
Blachford, Cecil Wanderers7104.637222
Glass, Frank Wanderers694.636220
Lannon, W. Brockville874.538216
Shore, Hamby Ottawa364.883113
Marks, Jack Brockville864.538214
Mallette, Bob Cornwall854.318212

1902Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Alf SmithPittsburgh A.C14113.118221
Lorne Campbell Bankers1362.147616
1903Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Bruce Stuart Victorias10163.075931
Lorne Campbell Bankers14143.598223
Hod StuartBankers1373.597611
1904Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Lorne Campbell Bankers15213.488233

1905Team GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Ken Mallen (RW) Calumet Miners 24384.638228
Lorne Campbell (C) Pittsburgh Professionals 24293.918225
^Portage Lakes Hockey Club 464.56145
Bruce Stuart (C) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 22334.567525
Hod Stuart (D) Calumet Miners 22184.637513
Jimmy Gardner (LW) Calumet Miners 23164.637912
Jack Laviolette (D) Michigan Soo Indians 24154.588211
Fred Lake (LW/D) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 24144.568210
Barney Holden (D) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 2494.56827
Jack Gibson (F) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 2424.56821

The accumulated "significant seasons" from 1886-87 to 1904-05:

“Significant” seasons up to 1905Sig. Seas.Adj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GPNotes
Bowie, Russell 75152890.56
Swift, Albert E. “Dolly”64371680.38
Russel, Blair 64731340.28
Campbell, Lorne54081290.32
Smith, Alf 64511230.27
McKerrow, Clarence42671210.45
Westwick, Harry “Rat”54001120.28No data from his two seasons in the OHA.
MacDougall, Robert42471070.43
Routh, Haviland 32361060.45
Marshall, Jack 42911060.36
Trihey, Harry 32161020.47
Stuart, Bruce4267990.37Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
McGee, Frank 3165810.49Probable three retro Conn Smythes.

“Significant” seasons up to 1905Sig. Seas.Adj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GPNotes
Bowie, Russell 75152890.56
Swift, Albert E. “Dolly”64371680.38
Russel, Blair 64731340.28
Campbell, Lorne54081290.32
Smith, Alf 64511230.27
McKerrow, Clarence42671210.45
Westwick, Harry “Rat”54001120.28No data from his two seasons in the OHA.
MacDougall, Robert42471070.43
Routh, Haviland 32361060.45
Marshall, Jack 42911060.36
Trihey, Harry 32161020.47
Stuart, Bruce4267990.37Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
McGee, Frank 3165810.49Probable three retro Conn Smythes.
MacNaughton, Archibald “Archie”3234790.34
Hodgson, Archie 4285740.26
Davidson, Cam 3206710.34
Drinkwater, Graham 3246700.28
Barlow, Billy 3236680.29
Kirby, Chauncey 4304680.22
Davidson, Shirley 3216670.31
Jordan, Herb 3207650.31
Farrell, Arthur 3246640.26
Brown, Dave 3173630.36
Lee, Sam 5227600.26
Hooper, Archie2144590.41Earliest known player to die from a hockey-related injury (puck to head, 1904).
Russell, Herbert 2164590.36
Bradley, Robert 2164580.35
Mallen, Ken2164520.32
Liffiton, Charlie3246520.21
Rankin, Norman 2133490.37
Gillespie, James 2164490.30
Lowe, George 5281480.17
Findlay, Jack 2164430.26
Christmas, Billy 2123400.33
Campbell, Jack 2164380.23
Stuart, Hod3233380.16Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
Howard, Cavie 2135370.27
Power, Joe 2144340.24
Doyle, Pat 2164340.21
Dey, Edgar182330.40
Brannen, Jack 2164330.20
Henry, Harold2164330.20
Kinghorn, James 294320.34
Stuart, Edward2113320.28
Elliot, D.A. 170310.44
Foulis, Colin 2126310.25
Laviolette, Jack2164310.19
Horsfall, Herbert 2164280.17
Sims, Percy168270.40
Virtue, James 182270.33
Scott, Arthur 294270.29
Kingan, Alexander 2105260.25
Brown, Desse 182240.29
Prevost, Alphonse182230.28
Gardner, Jimmy2161230.14
Blachford, Cecil 172220.31
Hutchison, Howard 182210.26
McLea, Ernie 182210.26
Shearer, Andy 2164210.13
Fairbairn, 151200.39
Glass, Frank “Pud”162200.32
Gilmour, Billy172200.28
Dobby, Bill 182200.24
Virtue, William133190.58
Roger, Mac 151190.37
Ewing, Jack 151180.35
Mussen, Adurey 151180.35
Ashe, Fred 159180.31
White, Frank 162180.29
McCarron, George121170.81
Davidson, K.141170.41
Howard, R. 172170.24
Sixsmith, Arthur172170.24
Bright, Harry182170.21
Gillilan, David 131160.52
Sargent, Grover 162160.26
Leahy, “Pokey”168160.24
McDougall, Sam172160.22
Murray, William172160.22
Lannon, W. 182160.20
Ross, Art 173150.21
Russell, Ernie 173150.21
Dowd, Frank135140.40
McQuisten, Sam 135140.40
Gilmour, Dave141140.34
Lemesurier, Percy141140.34
Smith, Jack141140.34
Kirby, Holder 168140.21
Craven, J.170140.20
Gilmour, Suddy172140.19
Hogan, Eddie 182140.17
Kerr, Jack 182140.17
Marks, Jack 182140.17
Cafferty, Thomas 123130.57
McQuisten, Stewart 123130.57
Shore, Hamby 131130.42
Ritchie, A. 135130.37
Church, Tom 182130.16
Decarie, Ed182130.16
Arnton, Jack 282130.16
Coulson, Herbert 162120.19
Mallette, Bob182120.15
Lake, Fred182100.12
Russel, Bert 182100.12
Strike, Fred12790.33
Cameron, Allan 214090.06
Holden, Barney18270.09
Barlow, Eddie 13560.17
Warden, W. 12330.13

The accumulated "significant seasons" from 1900-01 to 1904-05, for players of interest:

“Significant” seasons, 1901 to 1905Sig. Seas.Adj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GPNotes
Bowie, Russell 53712230.60
Campbell, Lorne54081290.32
Russel, Blair 54011120.28
Marshall, Jack 42911060.36
McGee, Frank 3165810.49Probable three retro Conn Smythes.
Stuart, Bruce3216780.36Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
Westwick, Harry “Rat”3236730.31No data from his two seasons in the OHA.
Jordan, Herb 3207650.31
Smith, Alf 3205590.29
Hooper, Archie2144590.41Earliest known player to die from a hockey-related injury (puck to side of head, 1904).
Mallen, Ken2164520.32
Stuart, Hod3233380.16Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
Gardner, Jimmy2161230.14
Glass, Frank “Pud”162200.32

I'm going to need to mull over an all-time top 10 as of 1905. If I had to guess at a Top 10 for 1900-01 to 1904-05, in alphabetical order:


Russell Bowie
Lorne Campbell
Frank McGee
Bruce Stuart
Harry Westwick


Dickie Boon
Harvey Pulford
Hod Stuart


Jack Marshall

Goal (TBD)

John Bouse Hutton (probably)

Blair Russel was productive enough to be in the top 10, but he had the lowest adjusted goals per game of the players in the upper echelon, and it was either him or Dickie Boon...

I'll likely do my goaltending/GSAA analysis tomorrow.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
This is the second data dump, this time regarding scoring. With multiple leagues and incomplete data, it's basically pointless to do a leaderboard appearances tally, so instead I combined the best of both worlds: a concept that I'm calling "significant seasons". Basically, only seasons that are top-10 in their league are added to totals. This should eliminate the "compiler" issue.

From 1900-01 to 1904-05:

1901Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Russell Bowie Victorias7243.917263
Lorne Campbell Montreal7103.757227
Arthur Farrell Shamrocks8104.138225
Harold Henry Ottawa884.288219
Blair Russel Victorias883.918221
Arthur Sixsmith Ottawa774.287217
Harry Trihey Shamrocks774.137217
Charlie Liffiton Montreal863.758216
Harry Westwick Ottawa764.287214
Edward Stuart Victorias563.915116
Jack Smith Ottawa464.284114
1902Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Archie Hooper Montreal8174.258241
Russell Bowie Victorias7133.947234
Jack Marshall Montreal8114.258227
Rat Westwick Ottawa8114.258227
Bruce Stuart Ottawa894.258222
Blair Russel Victorias893.948223
Charlie Liffiton Montreal884.258219
Harold Henry Ottawa864.258214
Edward Stuart Victorias663.946216
Percy Lemesurier Quebec453.664114
Hod StuartQuebec853.668214
1903Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Russell Bowie Victorias7224.887246
Frank McGee Ottawa6145.16228
Herb Jordan Quebec7124.497227
Billy Gilmour Ottawa7105.17220
Archie Hooper Montreal695.056218
Jack Marshall Montreal785.057216
Blair Russell Victorias874.888215
Dave Gilmour Ottawa475.14114
Suddy Gilmour Ottawa775.17214
Harry Bright Shamrocks874.178217
1904Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Bowie, Russell Victorias8276.878240
Jordan, Herb Quebec6197.866225
Russell, Blair Victorias8176.878225
Howard, Cavie Victorias6166.876224
McGee, Frank Ottawa4127.394117
Sargent, Grover Montreal6117.036216
Power, Joe Quebec6107.866213
Coulson, Herbert Montreal687.036212
Smith, Alf Ottawa487.394111
Foulis, Colin Shamrocks676.016212
1905Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Bowie, Russell Victorias8276.227340
Russel, Blair Victorias8196.227328
Power, Joe Quebec9156.488221
Foulis, Colin Westmount7136.216419
Russell, Ernie Montreal8116.557315
Ross, Art Westmount8106.217315
Hogan, Eddie Quebec9106.488214
Church, Tom Westmount996.218213
Howard, Cavie Victorias896.227313
Jordan, Herb Quebec896.487313

1904Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Jack Marshall Wanderers4116.015525
Edgar Dey Capitals6114.558233
Ken Mallen Wanderers &
Alphonse Prevost Le National695.448223
Percy Sims Capitals594.556827
Jack Laviolette Nationals685.448220
"Pokey" Leahy Wanderers576.016816
Jimmy Gardner Wanderers656.018211
Ed Decarie Le National655.448213
Fred Strike Wanderers246.01279
1905Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
McGee, Frank Ottawa6174.886236
Marshall, Jack Wanderers8174.638238
Westwick, Harry Ottawa8154.888232
Smith, Alf Ottawa8134.888227
Blachford, Cecil Wanderers7104.637222
Glass, Frank Wanderers694.636220
Lannon, W. Brockville874.538216
Shore, Hamby Ottawa364.883113
Marks, Jack Brockville864.538214
Mallette, Bob Cornwall854.318212

1902Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Alf SmithPittsburgh A.C14113.118221
Lorne Campbell Bankers1362.147616
1903Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Bruce Stuart Victorias10163.075931
Lorne Campbell Bankers14143.598223
Hod StuartBankers1373.597611
1904Club GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Lorne Campbell Bankers15213.488233

1905Team GP G Oppo. GAAdj. GPAdj. G
Ken Mallen (RW) Calumet Miners 24384.638228
Lorne Campbell (C) Pittsburgh Professionals 24293.918225
^Portage Lakes Hockey Club 464.56145
Bruce Stuart (C) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 22334.567525
Hod Stuart (D) Calumet Miners 22184.637513
Jimmy Gardner (LW) Calumet Miners 23164.637912
Jack Laviolette (D) Michigan Soo Indians 24154.588211
Fred Lake (LW/D) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 24144.568210
Barney Holden (D) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 2494.56827
Jack Gibson (F) Portage Lakes Hockey Club 2424.56821

The accumulated "significant seasons" from 1886-87 to 1904-05:

“Significant” seasons up to 1905Sig. Seas.Adj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GPNotes
Bowie, Russell 75152890.56
Swift, Albert E. “Dolly”64371680.38
Russel, Blair 64731340.28
Campbell, Lorne54081290.32
Smith, Alf 64511230.27
McKerrow, Clarence42671210.45
Westwick, Harry “Rat”54001120.28No data from his two seasons in the OHA.
MacDougall, Robert42471070.43
Routh, Haviland 32361060.45
Marshall, Jack 42911060.36
Trihey, Harry 32161020.47
Stuart, Bruce4267990.37Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
McGee, Frank 3165810.49Probable three retro Conn Smythes.

“Significant” seasons up to 1905Sig. Seas.Adj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GPNotes
Bowie, Russell 75152890.56
Swift, Albert E. “Dolly”64371680.38
Russel, Blair 64731340.28
Campbell, Lorne54081290.32
Smith, Alf 64511230.27
McKerrow, Clarence42671210.45
Westwick, Harry “Rat”54001120.28No data from his two seasons in the OHA.
MacDougall, Robert42471070.43
Routh, Haviland 32361060.45
Marshall, Jack 42911060.36
Trihey, Harry 32161020.47
Stuart, Bruce4267990.37Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
McGee, Frank 3165810.49Probable three retro Conn Smythes.
MacNaughton, Archibald “Archie”3234790.34
Hodgson, Archie 4285740.26
Davidson, Cam 3206710.34
Drinkwater, Graham 3246700.28
Barlow, Billy 3236680.29
Kirby, Chauncey 4304680.22
Davidson, Shirley 3216670.31
Jordan, Herb 3207650.31
Farrell, Arthur 3246640.26
Brown, Dave 3173630.36
Lee, Sam 5227600.26
Hooper, Archie2144590.41Earliest known player to die from a hockey-related injury (puck to head, 1904).
Russell, Herbert 2164590.36
Bradley, Robert 2164580.35
Mallen, Ken2164520.32
Liffiton, Charlie3246520.21
Rankin, Norman 2133490.37
Gillespie, James 2164490.30
Lowe, George 5281480.17
Findlay, Jack 2164430.26
Christmas, Billy 2123400.33
Campbell, Jack 2164380.23
Stuart, Hod3233380.16Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
Howard, Cavie 2135370.27
Power, Joe 2144340.24
Doyle, Pat 2164340.21
Dey, Edgar182330.40
Brannen, Jack 2164330.20
Henry, Harold2164330.20
Kinghorn, James 294320.34
Stuart, Edward2113320.28
Elliot, D.A. 170310.44
Foulis, Colin 2126310.25
Laviolette, Jack2164310.19
Horsfall, Herbert 2164280.17
Sims, Percy168270.40
Virtue, James 182270.33
Scott, Arthur 294270.29
Kingan, Alexander 2105260.25
Brown, Desse 182240.29
Prevost, Alphonse182230.28
Gardner, Jimmy2161230.14
Blachford, Cecil 172220.31
Hutchison, Howard 182210.26
McLea, Ernie 182210.26
Shearer, Andy 2164210.13
Fairbairn, 151200.39
Glass, Frank “Pud”162200.32
Gilmour, Billy172200.28
Dobby, Bill 182200.24
Virtue, William133190.58
Roger, Mac 151190.37
Ewing, Jack 151180.35
Mussen, Adurey 151180.35
Ashe, Fred 159180.31
White, Frank 162180.29
McCarron, George121170.81
Davidson, K.141170.41
Howard, R. 172170.24
Sixsmith, Arthur172170.24
Bright, Harry182170.21
Gillilan, David 131160.52
Sargent, Grover 162160.26
Leahy, “Pokey”168160.24
McDougall, Sam172160.22
Murray, William172160.22
Lannon, W. 182160.20
Ross, Art 173150.21
Russell, Ernie 173150.21
Dowd, Frank135140.40
McQuisten, Sam 135140.40
Gilmour, Dave141140.34
Lemesurier, Percy141140.34
Smith, Jack141140.34
Kirby, Holder 168140.21
Craven, J.170140.20
Gilmour, Suddy172140.19
Hogan, Eddie 182140.17
Kerr, Jack 182140.17
Marks, Jack 182140.17
Cafferty, Thomas 123130.57
McQuisten, Stewart 123130.57
Shore, Hamby 131130.42
Ritchie, A. 135130.37
Church, Tom 182130.16
Decarie, Ed182130.16
Arnton, Jack 282130.16
Coulson, Herbert 162120.19
Mallette, Bob182120.15
Lake, Fred182100.12
Russel, Bert 182100.12
Strike, Fred12790.33
Cameron, Allan 214090.06
Holden, Barney18270.09
Barlow, Eddie 13560.17
Warden, W. 12330.13

The accumulated "significant seasons" from 1900-01 to 1904-05, for players of interest:

“Significant” seasons, 1901 to 1905Sig. Seas.Adj. GPAdj. GAdj. G/GPNotes
Bowie, Russell 53712230.60
Campbell, Lorne54081290.32
Russel, Blair 54011120.28
Marshall, Jack 42911060.36
McGee, Frank 3165810.49Probable three retro Conn Smythes.
Stuart, Bruce3216780.36Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
Westwick, Harry “Rat”3236730.31No data from his two seasons in the OHA.
Jordan, Herb 3207650.31
Smith, Alf 3205590.29
Hooper, Archie2144590.41Earliest known player to die from a hockey-related injury (puck to side of head, 1904).
Mallen, Ken2164520.32
Stuart, Hod3233380.16Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition matches from 1903-04.
Gardner, Jimmy2161230.14
Glass, Frank “Pud”162200.32
I'm going to need to mull over an all-time top 10 as of 1905. If I had to guess at a Top 10 for 1900-01 to 1904-05, in alphabetical order:


Russell Bowie
Lorne Campbell
Frank McGee
Bruce Stuart
Harry Westwick


Dickie Boon
Harvey Pulford
Hod Stuart


Jack Marshall

Goal (TBD)

John Bouse Hutton (probably)

Blair Russel was productive enough to be in the top 10, but he had the lowest adjusted goals per game of the players in the upper echelon, and it was either him or Dickie Boon...

I'll likely do my goaltending/GSAA analysis tomorrow.

I can't really add anything without taking some time to mull over it, but just wanted to say this is awesome work.


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
I don´t have that much about Blair Russell, but here is something from this time span. His value was more in his overall game than in his goals.

The Ottawa Journal 9. Feb 1903

The forwards played an individual game especially in the first half, and they all seemed to be "up in the air" with the exception of Russell who was all over the ice.

The Montreal Gazette 11. Mar 1903

Blair Russell played a steady game throughout and worked hard every minute.

The Montreal Gazetter 9. Mar 1903
Russell held Gilmour off and rather surprised the Ottawa man who had frequently gone through on a fairly open wing.
But when matters looked serious Russell checked the puck clear and Bowie carried it down to Ottawa end...
When Gilmour returned the Ottawa bunch looked particularly likely and effective checking by Russell and Bert Strachan was the salvation of the Vics

The Gazette 6. Mar 1905
Next to importance to Bowie is Blair Russell, who has been frequently mentioned as candidate for left wing on all-star Eastern team. Blair played with Tucker´s school at the same time as Bowie and has figured on the senior Vics for the last five years. He has perhaps no equal in shooting from the side, and also in following back when his own goals are in danger. Blair never tires and can hold to the pace when others are dead.
Bowie was even more brilliant than usual, and with Blair Russell´s aid, worked in some combination tricks that phased the Westmount´s defence time and again. Blair was also in great form, and his skating back was a feature. Allowing the other man yards Blair could always be trusterd to run him down and steal the puck. In this respect frequently erred on the side of over-zeal, leaving his position to catch a man on the other wing. The result was that when he did secure the disc and entanglement with Gilbert usually followed.

The Gazette 17. Feb 1905
Russell, of the Victorias, and Gilmour of the McGill university team, would take fences on the All-Canadian team. They are a fine pair and work like beavers. Russell is not a great scorer, but he is a gold-mine in point of value to his own defence. Lot an opponent get the puck and make for goals, and Russell pounces on him like an eagle, hacking and slashing at opponents stick. With Russell skating on even terms with his victim the victim is goint to lose the puck. It happens nine times out of tehn. And no one ever saw Russell tired. With head lowered, he is in the thick of everything, from the referee´s whistle to the top of the gong.


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
Was going through some notes from Tommy Phillips and certainly case could be made that he was top 10 player even from this time period. Not sure if it serves the purpose though. He was already at the start of 1905-1906 compared to McGee and talks of him being the best in game. Gathered reputations of being best in OHA and in West. And most talked player in East.
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Reactions: tarheelhockey


20 years of All-Time Drafts on HfBoards
Sep 4, 2004
South Korea
Dickie Boon
Mike Grant (until 1902)
Si Griffis (from 1901-02)
Fred Lake
Jack Marshall
Harvey Pulford
Art Ross (from 1902-03)
Hod Stuart
Dan Bain (from 1902-03)
Russ Bowie
Jimmy Gardner
Pud Glass (from 1901-02)
Frank McGee
Tommy Phillips
Blair Russel
Alf Smith
Harry Smith (from 1902-03)
Bruce Stuart
Harry Trihey (until 1901)
Harry "Rat" Westwick
Riley Hern
John Bouse Hutton
Paddy Moran
Questions that come to mind:
- Who in this era might be considered underrated/overrated?
It's clear to me, underrated in the ATDs:

Boon, Trihey, McGee.

A bit (not much) overrated:

Griffis, Glass, Westwick.
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Reactions: tarheelhockey

Black Gold Extractor

Registered User
May 4, 2010
I can't really add anything without taking some time to mull over it, but just wanted to say this is awesome work.


In any case, here is the third data dump: this time for goalies.

1901Club GP GA SO GA/GPAvg. Oppo. GF/GPGSAA
Chittick, Fred Ottawa1010.03.883.9
Lockerby, Archie Victorias12 2.03.501.5
Hutton, John Bouse Ottawa720 2.93.886.9
McKenna, James H. Shamrocks825 3.13.977.0
O'Meara, Mark Quebec14
Munro, Fred Victorias730 4.33.50-5.6
Nicholson, Billy Montreal837 4.64.03-4.6
Stocking, Frank Quebec738 5.44.25-8.1
1902Club GP GA SO GA/GPAvg. Oppo. GF/GPGSAA
Billy Nicholson Montreal81521.73.5014.4
Bouse Hutton Ottawa81521.73.6315.4
Archie Lockerby Victorias615 2.53.596.5
Paddy Moran Quebec834 4.33.91-3.1
Fred Munro Victorias210 5.03.59-2.8
Patrick O'Reilly Shamrocks862 7.84.25-28.4
1903Club GP GA SO GA/GPAvg. Oppo. GF/GPGSAA
Archie Lockerby Victorias36 2.04.417.2
Billy Nicholson Montreal71912.74.7614.4
Bouse Hutton Ottawa82623.34.449.1
Jim Nichol Victorias527 5.44.41-5.0
Paddy Moran Quebec746 6.64.84-12.3
Patrick O'Reilly Shamrocks856 7.05.25-14.0
1904Club GP GA SO GA/GPAvg. Oppo. GF/GPGSAA
Hutton, John Bouse Ottawa415 3.87.0413.0
Nichol, Jim Victorias848 6.06.443.5
Moran, Paddy Quebec637
Waugh, Oliver Montreal532 6.47.515.6
Brophy, Fred Montreal18 8.07.51-0.5
Mike Kenny Shamrocks435 8.87.59-4.8
S. Price Montreal19 9.07.51-1.5
James Cloran Shamrocks339 13.07.59-16.2
1905Club GP GA SO GA/GPAvg. Oppo. GF/GPGSAA
Nathan Frye Victorias832 4.06.3318.6
Oliver Waugh Montreal942 4.76.2413.9
Paddy Moran Quebec945 5.05.655.9
Mike Kenny Shamrocks962 6.96.56-3.1
Fred Brophy Westmount649 8.25.73-14.8
Edgar Darling Westmount326 8.75.73-8.9
Joseph Cattarinich Le National442 10.56.33-16.7

Nicholson, Billy Wanderers61803.04.177.0
Grenier Capitals1404.04.720.7
Hunter, Jack Cornwall62704.55.174.0
Henri Menard Le National62704.54.781.7
Moffatt Capitals21206.04.72-2.6
Cope, A. Capitals21507.54.72-5.6
Hurdman Capitals110010.04.72-5.3
Finnie, Dave Ottawa81922.43.599.5
Baker, W. Wanderers72303.34.095.5
Kerr Brockville83003.84.414.9
Lavigne Montagnards1404.04.880.9
Brighton Wanderers1404.04.090.1
Hunter, Jack Cornwall83704.64.912.5
Menard, Henri Montagnards75808.34.88-23.9

1902 WPHLClub GPGA SO GA/GPAvg. Opponent GFGSAA
Riley HernKeystones1432 2.32.614.5
1903 WPHLClub GPGA SO GA/GPAvg. Opponent GFGSAA
Riley HernKeystones1261 5.13.42-20.0

1905 IPHLClub GPGA SO GA/GPAvg. Opponent GFGSAA
Billy NicholsonCalumet2475 3.13.7314.5
Chief JonesMichigan Soo2479 3.34.2523.0
Riley HernPortage Lakes2481 3.44.0716.6
Pete MaltmanCanadian Soo24140 5.84.08-42.0
Jack WinchesterPittsburgh Pros24144 6.04.24-42.3

The accumulated GSAA from 1886-87 to 1904-05 for players of interest:

Career up to 1905GPGSAAGSAA/GPNotes
Hutton, John Bouse 3656.71.57
Nicholson, Billy 5754.00.95
Paton, Tom 3928.20.72
Collins, Herb 5226.00.50
Jones, Joseph “Chief”2423.00.96Unsure how to use exhibition games in 1902-03 and 1903-04.
Lockerby, Archie 1015.31.53
Chittick, Fred 3214.70.46
Morel, Albert 2314.10.61
Lewis, Gordon 207.50.37
Hunter, Jack 146.50.46
Jones, Robert 194.10.22
Hern, William “Riley”501.20.02Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition games in 1903-04.
Moran, Patrick “Paddy”30-9.2-0.31

I think that it's pretty clear that the most accomplished goalie up until 1904-05 is John Bouse Hutton.

The accumulated GSAA from 1900-01 to 1904-05 for players of interest:

Career, 1901 to 1905GPGSAAGSAA/GPNotes
Nicholson, Billy 5345.80.86
Hutton, John Bouse 2744.41.64
Jones, Joseph “Chief”2423.00.96Unsure how to use exhibition games in 1902-03 and 1903-04.
Lockerby, Archie 1015.31.53
Hunter, Jack 146.50.46
Hern, William "Riley"501.20.02Unsure how to use Portage Lakes exhibition games in 1903-04.
Moran, Patrick "Paddy" 30-9.2-0.31

Bouse Hutton retired in 1903-04 but is still almost the period leader in GSAA despite playing in only half of the games of Billy Nicholson.

It is worth noting that while Riley Hern and Paddy Moran are at the bottom of this list, they were both net positives by 1904-05 (+0.69 GSAA/GP for Hern and +0.66 GSAA/GP for Moran).

In 1904-05, with Hutton retired, Chief Jones of the Michigan Soo in the IPHL really might have been the best goalie in the world. (Nathan Frye and Oliver Waugh put up a show in the suddenly Ottawa-less CAHL, but they both fall back to Earth with the formation of the ECAHA next season.)

Another interesting goalie is Archie Lockerby, who doesn't have a large sample size, but he manages to be a net positive over three consecutive seasons. Perhaps he just wasn't really into unpaid hockey, or maybe he really did just get lucky over a ten-game stretch (even if it was spread over three seasons).


Registered User
Sep 8, 2012
Another interesting goalie is Archie Lockerby, who doesn't have a large sample size, but he manages to be a net positive over three consecutive seasons. Perhaps he just wasn't really into unpaid hockey, or maybe he really did just get lucky over a ten-game stretch (even if it was spread over three seasons).

Lockerby is good call. He did good in that stint. He replaced Munroe after he was "ill and nervous".

I have one quote calling him "Best-ever type" from 1903. I can´t remeber or probably don´t even know why the Victorias had Nichol in 1903-1904. Nichol was quite eratic (came from Monreal A.A.A juniors IIRC). Lockerby played early in that season at intermediates. But in 1903 "playoffs"/"Stanley cup final" Lockerby was the trusted one even though Nichol played more in "regular season".

Overall there isn´t much I know about Lockerby. I have him playing Junior Vics in 1899. He tried comeback with Vics in 1906-1907, but they went with Frye. 1907-1908 he had injury filled and rather unsuccesful stint with Montreal A.A.A. So he "declined" quite quickly.


Offside Review Specialist
Feb 12, 2010
Bojangles Parking Lot
Lots of info to digest, and the lack of standardization across leagues makes it tough to judge, but here's a shot at a top-10 from this time period:

1. Russell Bowie
2. Frank McGee
3. Hod Stuart
4. Bouse Hutton
5. Lorne Campbell
6. Bruce Stuart
7. Blair Russel
8. Jack Marshall
9. Dickie Boon
10. Doc Gibson

HM: Rat Westwick, Alf Smith, Si Griffis, Ken Mallen, Harvey Pulford, Paddy Moran, Riley Hern, Chief Jones


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