Sergei Shirokov
Registered User
I feel the argument with the NHL is the same. It would be a 1st rate tournament that favoures Canada and everyone would think they would win and it wouldn't be any kind of stretch at all among hockey fans.
So whether it's a 1st rate or 2nd rate. I agree with your second paragraph to a certain degree. The annoying part for us from Europe is that a lot of the games were around 4am+, which is the worst time and makes the games less enjoying. Because "no one" will go to bed early to watch a lot of games at that hour. Later games were better, but also collided with events were our nations had gold favorites/outsiders. Also why western teams in the NHL don't have that many fans compared to other teams, because of the time issue. Easier for most to watch that 1am game with a "power nap" than going to bed at 9-10 pm.
This first part is a good point, as a Canadian I guess we don't really think about it that way. I guess 2nd rate in terms of the level of hockey but as far as cheering interests it's alot more open in years like this than NHL years where its Canada/Sweden/USA/Russia as top contenders.