Did USA overtake Canada as 'The Best Hockey Nation', or 'The Best National Ice Hockey Team'?
I am not saying just because USA just beat Canada 3-1 infront of their own fans, but did USA just caugh Canada in terms of pruducing hockey talents?
Yes, USA has the population of 300+millions (almost 10 times more than Canada), but popularity of hockey in both countries are not comparable:
- In Canada random folks know something about hockey, hockey stars in general
- But in USA most of the folks don't care & know anything about hockey... if you catch random dude in NY, LA, Miami, Atlanta etc. and ask them about the legendary hockey players & current hockey stars they will say 'they have no idea about who they are' & won't even recognise even the most famous hockey players.
But at this time in 2025... Team USA looks better than Team Canada. What a time we live in!
Sorry, if it's hard to understand... English isn't my first language.