Jiminy Cricket
- Mar 9, 2014
- 2,183
- 2,090
True story, I made 50 Grand a year to clip Jim Nant`z`s toenail`s every week. He alway`s liked them a certain way, I would cut them straight acrost and leave them a little bit long. He had some beautiful nail`s as well. There was 1 time the nail clipper`s were all the way up on the top shelve of the bathroom, I had to stand up all the way up on my Tippy Toe`s 2 reach, Reminded me of my friend Tippy Toe Thompson. Sometime`s u have to stand all the way up on your tippy toe`s 2 reach something. But that is the story about the time i clipped Jim Nantz`s Toenail`s for 50 grand a year.