Its not what I want to hear, its what I got from his statements. Reading between the lines is exactly the job of the psychological team, hence I made the comment. And for the record Im not holding it against him in any way but just pointing that specific response out.
Confidence is an inherently not-humbling trait. Its why people who are extremely confident tend to be linked to cockiness, whether it be negative or not. Jack Hughes had this in bundles and it was a common gripe among his detractors and haters, yet it doesnt mean its wrong of him or negative or immature. Wayne Gretzky is probably one of the most humble athletes of his skill level in all sports history, and yet even when he makes comments about his greatness it can always be left up to interpretation that hes not being humble. Its just the nature of language and understanding.
Also Id like to add that Europeans tend to expound less on their thoughts in such settings than North Americans, for reasons including many but mostly cultural and outgoing-personalities. So adding that on top of speaking a foreign language, it probably comes across harsher than it seems.
But that doesnt change that it most likely lines up with his school of thinking, that he feels his confidence to do better was what most helped him and that he thinks he always had the ability to do so. Id have just preferred he said that since it would show the same level of confidence but instead speak to actual real-world circumstance, and yes that isnt humble and not what I said earlier but if that is your level of confidence then own it. To me it seems like he isnt as confident as to get to that level of 'cockiness', and so instead Id like him to explain why his confidence rose and not just put that as the main means of improvement. Its crossing two different paths of deeper meaning and so it, psychologically, sounds a bit confusing.
Discussing the psychie of someones speech is always going to have different interpretations, and its why people get paid to do that because they are better than most at it. Im just giving my opinion on that.