None Shall Pass Dano moisturizes Jul 7, 2007 15,748 12,551 Brooklyn Yesterday at 7:11 PM #101 BRATTERRRR
The Wumpus bottomless pit supervisor May 9, 2011 8,125 10,509 Morristown, NJ Yesterday at 7:11 PM #102 BRAAATTT
Richer's Ghost Bourbonite Apr 19, 2007 60,758 16,100 photoshop labor camp somewhere in MN Yesterday at 7:11 PM #103 Stuck with NHL Network feed so Sam and Joe calling the game.
SJinNewJersey Every single one of us, the devil inside Dec 21, 2017 11,352 14,843 New Jersey Yesterday at 7:11 PM #104 Bratt attack!
FinnishDevil Registered User Dec 6, 2013 6,052 10,701 Finland Yesterday at 7:12 PM #107 BRATZKY Reactions: njdevils1982
SteveCangialosi123 Registered User Feb 17, 2012 29,870 54,197 NJ Yesterday at 7:12 PM #108 Bratter. The Rangers look so lazy
JK3 Go Easy-Step Lightly-Stay Free Nov 15, 2007 20,624 22,078 Ice Station Zebra Yesterday at 7:12 PM #109 Wooooo!
NjDevsRR Anything Can Happen In Jersey Sponsor Apr 24, 2012 30,612 64,395 Belmar Yesterday at 7:12 PM #110 IM ERECT
Andre Palot Registered User Oct 20, 2012 8,508 5,165 Dover, NJ Yesterday at 7:12 PM #113 Bratt for MVP Reactions: Louskoolaid89
Richer's Ghost Bourbonite Apr 19, 2007 60,758 16,100 photoshop labor camp somewhere in MN Yesterday at 7:12 PM #114 You guys are like a full minute ahead of my feed. Reactions: Whaddagoal and Thovohkin
theoptimist Keep Siegenthaler Apr 22, 2014 5,212 2,911 Yesterday at 7:12 PM #115 Too easy. Something's up
Its Always Sundstrom Among the optimists. Sponsor Dec 1, 2019 5,450 11,726 Yesterday at 7:12 PM #116 First goal, schmerst goal.
Cheddabombs Status Quo Mar 13, 2012 25,751 34,939 Yesterday at 7:12 PM #117 Damn Bill ain't lying when he said they bleed rush chances against lmao. Two 2 on 1's in like 30 seconds Reactions: Dialamo
Damn Bill ain't lying when he said they bleed rush chances against lmao. Two 2 on 1's in like 30 seconds
jkrdevil UnRegistered User Apr 24, 2006 43,390 13,628 Miami Yesterday at 7:12 PM #118 Bratt! How did that end up a 2-on-1?
JK3 Go Easy-Step Lightly-Stay Free Nov 15, 2007 20,624 22,078 Ice Station Zebra Yesterday at 7:12 PM #119 Audible roar. Reactions: Louskoolaid89
Hisch13r Registered User May 16, 2012 35,819 37,191 NJ Yesterday at 7:12 PM #120 Like I know the Rangers are pathetic off the rush but GOOD GOD 2 rush chances against in the first 90 seconds Reactions: Guttersniped and Dialamo
Like I know the Rangers are pathetic off the rush but GOOD GOD 2 rush chances against in the first 90 seconds
Patrik26 HFBoards Sponsor Sponsor Mar 12, 2016 8,113 8,076 Sussex, NJ Yesterday at 7:13 PM #122 We got the first one! We got the first one! Reactions: Thovohkin
njdevils1982 Hell Toupée!!! Sep 8, 2006 40,665 29,025 North of Toronto Yesterday at 7:13 PM #124 now that's a start! Reactions: Thovohkin
Bleedred #FIREDAVEROGALSKI Sponsor May 1, 2011 134,194 64,324 Yesterday at 7:13 PM #125 Reactions: BostonDevil, Thovohkin and Dialamo