My eyes tell me Panarin cheats. My eyes also tell me Panarin is a fantastic player. My eyes also tell me the short bus line (aka kids line) don't get the same privileges because they don't have the same production yet that Panarin has, so they get their own little safe space where they don't hurt the team. On top we get told some Bullshit about "having to earn their playtime".
I see this situation as a symptom of incompetency on behalf of the coach. "But the team won" you say. Sure but that is less relevant, in the long run, than creating a good TEAM. Nobody cheats on, say, Tampa.
I don't think Quinn cares about creating a good team in that sense. I think he only cares about winning the next game. I also think that makes him the wrong coach for this team. I think the team needs a coach with a bigger vision than that.
We know there will be big changes bc of the cap situation etc. Over the next two years a lot of the players will change to create a Stanley Cup level Team (Team with a large T). I've seen nothing from Quinn that suggests he has the know how and fingerspitzengefühl to be the man for that undertaking.