DerekDevils30 Registered User Feb 2, 2007 21,357 18,699 Manitoba Yesterday at 8:13 PM #301 The officiating couldn’t be more one sided Reactions: Saugus, Hisch13r, Lou is God and 2 others
JimEIV Registered User Feb 19, 2003 67,977 31,068 Yesterday at 8:13 PM #302 2 minutes for being strong Reactions: Lou is God, DerekDevils30, Guttersniped and 2 others
SteveCangialosi123 Registered User Feb 17, 2012 30,150 55,156 NJ Yesterday at 8:14 PM #303 The refs aren’t officiating the game fairly. The Jackets have committed multiple obvious infractions with no call. Reactions: DerekDevils30
The refs aren’t officiating the game fairly. The Jackets have committed multiple obvious infractions with no call.
Emperoreddy Show Me What You Got! Apr 13, 2010 135,192 85,158 New Jersey, Exit 16E Yesterday at 8:14 PM #304 League decide this needs to be a scheduled lose? Reactions: DerekDevils30
njdevils1982 Hell Toupée!!! Sep 8, 2006 40,933 29,405 North of Toronto Yesterday at 8:14 PM #305 thats a call?
Devs3cups Wind of Change Sponsor May 8, 2010 22,379 39,763 Yesterday at 8:14 PM #306 Columbus has played a perfectly disciplined game tonight. No infractions whatsoever.
Emperoreddy Show Me What You Got! Apr 13, 2010 135,192 85,158 New Jersey, Exit 16E Yesterday at 8:15 PM #307 That's a f***ing ridiculous call
Mgd31 Registered User Aug 7, 2007 15,562 10,541 Levittown, NY Yesterday at 8:15 PM #308 What is Timo supposed to do there? Reactions: My3Sons
Incharge1976 Registered User Mar 4, 2011 2,193 2,201 Yesterday at 8:15 PM #309 He was pushed into him. Reactions: njdevils1982
My3Sons Nobody told me there'd be days like these... Sponsor Jul 7, 2017 39,410 50,590 Strange days indeed, most peculiar momma..... Yesterday at 8:15 PM #310 it would have been a shame if Elvis was cut to ribbons on that play by Meier
DerekDevils30 Registered User Feb 2, 2007 21,357 18,699 Manitoba Yesterday at 8:16 PM #311 f*** right off
Dylan9z9 LGD 2024-25 May 16, 2012 7,272 3,129 Rockaway, NJ Yesterday at 8:16 PM #314 Ok we now know this is a league-ref controlled game
Emperoreddy Show Me What You Got! Apr 13, 2010 135,192 85,158 New Jersey, Exit 16E Yesterday at 8:16 PM #315 Just f***ing bullshit
My3Sons Nobody told me there'd be days like these... Sponsor Jul 7, 2017 39,410 50,590 Strange days indeed, most peculiar momma..... Yesterday at 8:17 PM #316 Why do they play such a passive PK?
SteveCangialosi123 Registered User Feb 17, 2012 30,150 55,156 NJ Yesterday at 8:17 PM #318 Trash from Mercer prevents the change. Awful
Bleedred #InstagramHockey Sponsor May 1, 2011 134,806 65,391 Yesterday at 8:17 PM #319 Allen stinks Blackwood type of screen there Gimme back Markstrom lol
Alex NJD Registered User Apr 28, 2015 5,207 5,402 Parsippany, New Jersey Yesterday at 8:17 PM #321 Mercer had to clear that one, I'm expecting some f***ing game management calls
Lou is God Registered User Nov 10, 2003 26,761 10,558 New Jersey Yesterday at 8:17 PM #322 f*** these f***ing refs
theoptimist Keep Siegenthaler Apr 22, 2014 5,295 2,969 Yesterday at 8:17 PM #323 Mercer needs to hit the weight room
Forge Blissfully Mediocre Jul 4, 2018 13,519 16,944 Vincent Clortho School for wizards Yesterday at 8:17 PM #324 Oof
Dylan9z9 LGD 2024-25 May 16, 2012 7,272 3,129 Rockaway, NJ Yesterday at 8:17 PM #325 Get Allen off this team he is complete garbage Reactions: Bleedred