A team that is losing games 1-0 with Greene, Merrill, Severson and Larsson on the squad. Yeah, let's draft all defensemen and do the rebuild the right way!
Here is my problem with what you are saying...
Your comments imply that what was done as far as drafting and team building has put us in better place today...But has it?
Aside from the 2018 season on the back of Taylor we literally have gone backward almost every year.
Look at this and be objective for one moment:
2015 - DeBoer Fired, Stevens/Oates a placeholder for Shero's coaching choice...Lou cutoff at the knees sometime in the January/February time frame and eventually fired in May - No top 6 forward prospects, a decent group of young D, no real cap issues and plenty of space, a bunch of picks from the Zidlicky and Jagr trades...Some decent bottom 6 prospects -
Can we agree that was basically the situation? That was supposed to be "Rock Bottom" but no, no, no...Not even close to "Rock Bottom"
2015 32 wins
2016 38 wins
2017 28 wins
2018 44 wins
2019 31 wins -- 5 years after Shero and we are winning less games than Lou's last year that was largely seen as a debacle and "Rock Bottom"
2020 28 wins in 69 -- A better point percentage than the year before but still a debacle being the 6th worst team in league but now with 2 #1OA in the lineup
2021 19 wins in 56 games
.402 P% the worst point percentage in 34 years. We haven't been this bad since 87'
2022 27 wins in a full season - Now with 8 years worth of #1 overalls in the lineup
.384 Win percentage. Worse than historically bad previous year and worse since 1986...The 5th worst season in Franchise History
Now to my problem with what you are saying... We were SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER "losing games 1-0 with Greene, Merrill, Severson and Larsson" than we have been in the last 4 years with 2 #1OA in the lineup
At what point do admit that shit Shero was selling simply didn't work? We are still bailing out of that mess and we haven't seen a season better than 2015 season which we all thought was "rock bottom" in the last 4 years. Now going on 8 seasons and we are still waiting to take a step forward...That's a joke. And it's Shero's fault 100% we are where we are.