Celebrity Death: David McCallum, NCIS, The Great escape Men from U*N*C*L*E


Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
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That's got to be it for the cast of the Great Escape, one of my all-time favorite films. R.I.P. Mr. McCallum.

My Best-Carey
My first memories of him were watching as a kid The invisible man and Sapphire & Steel, the latter of which got me suspended by my mother of watching TV for a while because I had some nightmares, especially because of the episode Upstairs, Downstairs.

Of course, in hindsight and rewatching them as an adult, neither of those series were particularly special, but those memories from childhood stuck forever.
his father david sr suggested to jimmy page to use a violin bow on the guitar.
his son Val is also an amazing guitarist who has played with Jackson Browne for years and on the side with some other heavyweights under the name Jackshit (who were also the Uptown Girl band in Step Brothers!).

That's got to be it for the cast of the Great Escape, one of my all-time favorite films. R.I.P. Mr. McCallum.

My Best-Carey

On reddit someone mentioned that William Russell (98 years old, played Sorren 'Security') and John Leyton (87 years old, played Willie Dickes 'Tunnel King') are still alive.

RIP Mr. McCallum.
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Mr Palmer,you have the privilege of doing Ducky's autopsy.. R.I.P Ducky
I remember him in The Man from Uncle in which he almost inevitably outcooled the lead Robert Vaughn by a huge margin.
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Tribute episode aired last night. Lots of inside jokes... both verbal and physical to his most famous pieces of work. I laughed when I saw "great escape" moving company van


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