This thread is weird. Who are you people to say that Datsyuk couldn't appreciate olympic gold medal more than the Stanley Cup ring? Just because this wasn't "a real tournament" because NHL players didn't play, huh? I guarantee you guys, it felt great for the team and the fans, I even bet '94 gold medal felt just as good for Swedes as '06 even though NHL players didn't participate. You could even ask Peter Forsberg how he feels about that '94 gold and if it compares to his '06 gold. Most likely Datsyuk isn't the only one who feels this way, after al its way rarer to win the Olympic gold than the Stanley Cup
This is clash of approaches. Karyia said the same about 94 OGs. Sure russians got their fair chance since 98. On the other hand people who constantly pointing that this OGs were not best on best and thus dont count, partly support strictly capitalistic view on sport.
I am not judging this approach but also in regards to last Bettman suggestion to move hockey to summer olympics, there is one more thing that need to be add.
If I am clear, this is not only about any other hockey league outside NHL taking a break, its about every respective OG sport and its world cup taking olympic break.
Not sure whether Bettman realized it, but NHLs approach towards it is simply against basis of winter sports and against OGs principles. So for me, using this approach as an excuse for team which lost or team which won is simply unfair and those people should think what they really want from winter sports and from olympics or whether they even want Winter OGs to exist at all.
This is simply dangerous precedent. He is saying I dont want it, I have my own bussiness and my own interests. I am sure downhill guys, with notorious lack of snow everywhere, would rather keep their World Cup going in February so as other OG sports. But they respect some basic sport rules and principles. And one of them is that there are OGs in February.
This is fair dictate and people should rather think about it. Whoever use this argument partly legitimize this view. Its not Datsuyk’s fault that one league does not agree with Winter Olympics at all. If you want OGs you should never support or use NHL approach as an argument, thats all.
Or we can say, thats OK, we dont need Winter Olympics, world is going other direction. No nationalities, no uniqueness. But guess who is going to dictate it. The basis is similar to soccer where big clubs wanted to create their own Champions league outside of system. You had your World cup of hockey and if preassure is not there next one will be similar because in his logic slovaks, czechs, russian already have money to spend one week in Toronto, so there is no need to change anything at all.