you are an exception, and I know you know what you are talking about, but most people that only play soccer don't like any kind of rough sports or fighting and they don't understand and can't wrap their head around the role of someone who's job isn't to score goals. really it's hard for anyone that hasn't played on at least a high school team to understand Boll's roll, they just look at goals and assists and want MORE goals and we'll's not that simple. Look at the Detroit teams that won the cup, I'm reading Darren McCarty's book right now, and he said they didn't come together as a championship team until they brought in Joe Kocur for his second stint with the Wings out of the beer league, "he was a calming presence on the bench and in the room, and everyone played like they were a foot taller because nobody wanted to have a meeting with Mr. Kocur on the other team"
Until we are sitting the next Gretzky in the pressbox, it gets really freakin old having everyone cry that Boll should sit, when he's actually playing well and contributing!
Yeah a Newark Peewee House League Scoring Championship or whatever you've got, doesn't give you any special insight. Sorry .