Current state of the Boards

Sponsors if you lost your sponsorship send me a direct mesesage / conversation / whatever the f*** they call it now and screen shot your paypal stub and I can grant you a free year sponsorship (probably, if I can remember where that button is)
What about sponsorship gifts?
In the OHL section, all of the 2023-24 season threads are in the pinned section after the recent update the site went through. Would be greatly appreciated by everyone in this section of the boards if the 2024-25 threads can be pinned again to avoid confusion.
I'll be proud to tell me grandchildren that I lived through the great HF DataCrash of 2025
some of us have lived through 2 of these.

zoidberg lit the boards on fire and went on a canoeing trip in 2002...

How many once in a life time disasters must us millennials live through?
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Why do you guys have so many issues with these boards?

Another forum I am on uses XenForo and they have never had issues. Seems to be a uniquely HF thing. Is this like the free or discount version you guys are using or something...

It's a forum that follows the NHL, ergo they are simply emulating their competency.
Why do you guys have so many issues with these boards?

Another forum I am on uses XenForo and they have never had issues. Seems to be a uniquely HF thing. Is this like the free or discount version you guys are using or something...
Issues seems to have stemmed from the customizations we had on the old software causing issues with Xenforo. Add that to addons we use not having been updated.
can you bring back the thrashers board/posts and put it in the archive with coyotes board? please & thank you. :)

