OT: Covid-19 (Part 22) Open the door...

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Registered User
Mar 28, 2005
Contagious, yes. Deadly? Depends on your health conditions prior to contracting it.

Most people that have contacted it have either displayed no symptoms or their symptoms were mild enough not to warrant medical intervention.

81% of the deaths in Italy had 2-3 preexisting conditions, 96% if you include only 1 preexisting condition. View attachment 348031
"ISS analysis shows that as of May 25 only about 1.1% of virus fatalities have been under 50 years of age and more than 57% were over 80. Nearly half of new cases in May were registered at nursing homes."

So again, protect the most vulnerable and anyone that starts displaying symptoms can follow current protocols to reduce further spreading.

The same thing can be said for the flu. The average IFR for the flu is 0.1% but is much lower for healthy young adults. The disease is still 5 to 8 times more deadly on average.

You might be willing to sacrifice a few million elderly or diabetics, but I am not.


Tiki-Taki time soon.
Aug 17, 2014
Ice cream is my vaccine.

That clears a lot of thing up:)



Registered User
Nov 30, 2009
The same thing can be said for the flu. The average IFR for the flu is 0.1% but is much lower for healthy young adults. The disease is still 5 to 8 times more deadly on average.

You might be willing to sacrifice a few million elderly or diabetics, but I am not.
No one said anything about sacrificing anyone. Don't make up false statements to bolster your point.

I specifically said to continue with current protocols for the most vulnerable and anyone that shows symptoms can follow isolation procedures. That takes care of the most vulnerable.

There is no vaccine coming anytime soon and this situation is not sustainable. You move forward with a plan in place to mitigate the risk until this thing subsides.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
Germany has a highly developed plan and system for contact tracing. So, they can reopen because they are putting everything into containing the outbreak via these methods.

These places are not at 0-50 cases because they waited around and did nothing. They are where they are because they take contact tracing seriously.
Germany and ''those places'' are not at 0-50 cases, period. Will they get there is still unknown at this point. You believe they will, I think it's possible, I think it's also possible they won't before hitting a second wave, they want to reopen their borders to other EU countries, that might cause a spurge.
Who knows man, every country is dealing with this virus for the first time, there is no playbook for it.
Maybe this maybe that. Point is, most countries who were hit hard did not wait to have very low number of cases before reopening. That's all there is to it. You thinking one country does it better than us is irrelevant to the point.
One is a fact, one is an opinion. You thinking those countries are better prepared is an opinion. Me saying those countries did not wait for low counts in cases to reopen is a fact.

If a country or region cannot handle a full-scale test-trace-isolate system where you trace and isolate every single new case then you simply are not ready to reopen. You need to keep mitigation measures in place as much as you can until the numbers get down to a manageable level.

The countries we're talking about here, they can handle it. We have already admitted that we cannot. If we can't handle the caseload as it is how can you possible expect that to improve if numbers begin to increase?
Well that's cool but keeping things shut is no more realistic so you can keep harping about how we need to do full scale testing or what not, and I don't disagree, but we had to reopen anyways.
You seem so enclosed in your personal comfortable living bubble that you just can't realize how important it is to reopen.
Suggesting we shouldn't open isn't feasible anymore, you need to start realizing this.
The measures I was proposing 1 month ago, you dismissed as unrealistic and we can't possibly do that because people are too fed up and literally dying because they're extroverts.

Now you're saying an adequate response is unrealistic because things devolved after we never implemented the very measures I proposed last month.

So what then? Next month when things are still shit compared to most other countries you'll be saying we should have started test-trace-isolate a month prior when things were not as bad?

The longer you wait, the more excuses you make, the harder this will be to fix.

This government listens to backlash. The fact that you are so willing to just accept their mistakes and inaction is contributing to their complacency.
I have no idea what you're going on about.
What measures did you mention a month ago that I dismissed? And I never said extroverts are literally dying....wtf dude...stop lying.
What adequate response are you suggesting??? Staying home some more?? That's not adequate.
Test-Trace-Isolate....ya...go back to the first threads on COVID, I was saying we should do it just as they were doing in HK. Same with the masks. Do it. You don't need to keep everything shutdown to do this.

Not a single one of these countries waited. Not a single one. Again with your f***ing "waiting" nonsense. It's like you're doing it on purpose.

They did not wait. They acted. They acted and now they can benefit.
WE waited. Quebec waited. And now we want the benefits without any of the action.
Of course they waited. Every country waited. Most put a lockdown, they put in measures (and we did too btw...just because you're not satisfied about the severity and amount doesn't mean they didn't do anything)...then they wait to see how things evolve and adapt accordingly.

I mean, again, I agree the government messed up, doesn't mean we need to blow everything out of proportion and pretend like we didn't do anything.
Ok? I am talking about an enforced lockdown like New Zealand did. Measures like Australia did. Not a curfew.

This virus spreads from human contact. People are in contact when they're standing in line outside of Walmart to buy bullshit. Having non-essential stores open gives the perception that things are ok, that they are normal. They were not and they still are not. It's half-measures like this that lead to people not taking it seriously, breaking their quarantine and gathering regularly with friends/family/whatever. And THAT DOES lead to an increase in cases, we are still seeing that problem today.

In New Zealand they closed down f***ing everything, even restaurants and takeout. Everyone took it seriously there because the response from the government and their actions made people take it seriously.

Here it started off well. But then they kept open every f***ing store except for Levis and people stopped thinking it was a big deal.
No...not really. It's actually very hard to contact the virus standing outside especially if you're 2m away, and most people are. You wouldn't know though because you never go out anyways and definitely not to a home depot.

Again, you have this false idea that the reason Qc is hit hard is due to Home Depot or Rona or Canadian Tire remaining open. That just is not the case man. If we didn't have the CHSLD/Elderly situation, our numbers would be excellent right now. Get that through your head mate.

And maybe go see some buddies...change your mind...relax....would probably make you feel better.

Kriss E

Registered User
May 3, 2007
These threads had a nice run but I predict it will be on the 2nd page sooner rather than later. Hockey is back and its much more fun debating about MB's purple pants then COVID.

We are the equivalent of August...from what I understood, training camp won't start before July, so we're 4-6 weeks away.

Per Sjoblom

Registered User
Jan 3, 2018
I'm in! we'll take the traditional method of transport.

View attachment 348041

Let us attack the Danes in our ships and carve blood eagles on them. :sarcasm: Copenhagen has in secret let raw sewage (34 billion liters) into the fairly small sound between Denmark and Sweden. The Viking boats are getting ready and battle axes being sharpened, crazy rage fungi (red with white dots) are being added to the mead. ;)

lo striver

Registered User
Jun 13, 2011
Our Lady of Grace
Let us attack the Danes in our ships and carve blood eagles on them. :sarcasm: Copenhagen has in secret let raw sewage (34 billion liters) into the fairly small sound between Denmark and Sweden. The Viking boats are getting ready and battle axes being sharpened, crazy rage fungi (red with white dots) are being added to the mead. ;)
Nowadays we can just drive over the bridge.... :sarcasm:

Per Sjoblom

Registered User
Jan 3, 2018
I took out Carlito and it is hot here, 90 today and we had an intermezzo with another dog. We were walking along a hedge and Carlito started sniffing a lot and I could hear a fairly deep bark on the other side, then I heard the dog coming through the hedge and I thought they will fight because Carlito stood there waiting, hair on his back and his tail straight up. The dog comes through and it looked like a brown lab and when he saw Carlito he did a 180 degree turn and did run back through the hedge.
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