He's been getting on my nerves for 3 years now...
Very few are the sports journalists that don't get on my nerves with their consistently-inane questions.
Which is why I don't really pay attention to the broadcast news coverage surrounding sports anymore. I watch the games, skim articles/headlines, watch more games, and that's it.
But worse than the unskilled/inarticulate journalists are those that ask questions while at the same time answering that same question themselves out of insecurity/intellectual incompetence
Then we go to the absolute worst journalists, those that don't deserve their title at all; those seeking simple validation of their viewpoints instead of answers that contradict the points they're trying to drive home. Way too many of those in modern media, but I feel that there's an even greater proportion of those in Sports than in everday news.
Oh, and another important mention on my journalistic shitlist goes to those that twist statements/words to appear to be right/more important than they really are (sophistry, appeal to authority that they endeavor to manufacture, etc.).
Sad thing though, is that I've seen Basu commit all of those offenses at various points in the last I don't know how many years I've been following this sport.
So yeah, f*** Basu.
Oh, and we're technically only 4 days and some hours removed from our first regular season game. I cannot wait even though this season won't likely be a pretty one again for us.