Imagine for a second..... We won multiple Stanley cups between 2011-2014 and Chiarelli decides, I think Bergeron is a has been and we should move on. Jacobs agrees and we let Bergeron walk. The B's sign a washed up center to replace him, spend no money on the rest of the roster, and miss the playoffs. Bergeron wins the cup with his new team and declares "still gas in this tank." Jacobs freaks out, spends to the cap the next year and the teams squeaks into the playoffs and gets shellacked round one. Jacobs, satisfied we're now going in the right direction, rests back on his laurels and allows Chiarelli to compile a coaching staff of flunkies, imbeciles, and bafoons that aren't even a fit for the open positions, but hey, they're free. The team then spirals into one of the worst seasons in Jacobs tenure as owner, constant media scrutiny, players calling people out, the whole shebang. Jacobs says "I'm gonna ride with my guys" and the next season is even more of a disaster. Jacobs fires Chiarelli, the coaches, and then installs an AHLaAssistant coach that he has always liked and whom he promised the job to as coach and a rando zamboni driver as GM. The Bruins, as they're one to do, put out a smear campaign against Chiarelli leaking stories of how it was his decision to jettison Bergeron and a whole documentary is released glossing over the multiple Stanley Cup Championships but demonizes everything Chiarelli.. The year goes predictably but almost comically bad. BUT! There's a silver lining...... we just need to lose one game and we get the first overall pi.......
So I asks ya..... would anyone give a f*** at that point if Jacobs made a statement similar to Kraft?
~read to the voice of Mona Lisa Vito for optimal affect~